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Monday, September 14, 2009

We've All Got Needs

Okay Shower Farters, this is how its going to work... We're about to have a quick, no strings attached, hot and steamy blogging session. When it's done, I'll go my way and you'll go yours. If the outcome of our little soiree is mutually satisfying, then maybe I'll stop by sometime in the near future and blog the bejesus out of you again... Perhaps I'll even leave a tooth brush in your bathroom and keep a change of clothes in the closet. You know, "just in case..."

But if I do that, please don't take it to mean that we're officially, "back together," or anything like that... It just means we both have needs and agree that it would be more convinient to fulfill those needs with each rather than trying to find someone new.

So don't go calling your family to let them know we're, "trying to work things out," because again, that's not what this is. I won't be heading home with you for the holidays. I won't be escorting you to your company Christmas party. There will be no double dates with your friends, no roses by the stairs, no romantic notes on the nightstand, and certainly snuggling in the movies.

Well... maybe we can snuggle at the movies... it does get kind of chilly in those theaters sometimes.


HispanicPundit said...

Yay! I'll bring the KY. :-)

cad said...

I dunno...I'll have to let this marinate for a bit. Because, well lets just be honest here. You and I both KNOW... I FREAKIN' DESERVE ROSES, DAMN IT! Not that i'm trying to be all girlish about it or anything.

cad said...

btw, i knew you'd be back. THEY ALWAYS come back.

Unknown said...

I'm in. Hooking up with your ex is NEVER a good idea but at least you get some good stories out of it!

Joel said...

HP- and I'll bring the ruffies, duct tape, video camera!

cad- you say you want roses but I bet I could win you over with pizza, cheap wine, and whatever movie is playing on HBO.

Lauren- we're going to have to be safe about this though because who knows what kind of blogs you've been with since I left town!

Teresa said...

I knew you'd crawl back. Well, honey it will be on my terms.

jamesesdechicho said...

Never left a comment before 'cause I did not want anyone to know about us.
Since it's out, let me tell you.
Don't worry about the toothbrush I bought a twin pack the other day, I get the green one you get the blue.

Joel said...

james- i have the sneaky suspicion that you bought that two pack to use with some other blogger, but im such a whore that ill just pretend that the thought never occured to me.

Unknown said...

lovely, just lovely, i thought you would never ask.

sonrisa morena said...

i agree with cad, they ALWAYS come back!!!