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Thursday, September 11, 2008

With a Little Help From My Friends

As a rule, I enjoy crazy guys... When other people get nervous and try not to make eye contact, I settle in and enjoy the show. I've gone on record about this before.

But I read something this morning that creeped me out a bit...

From the Washington Post [link to article]:

"A Virginia man who was caught with a homemade grenade and an assault rifle near the Library of Congress last week told authorities that he came to Washington to help police in the event of a conflict, according to charging papers.

Christopher S. Timmons, 27, said he wanted to provide more "manpower" in case of a conflict with a secret society, charging documents say. He also told police that he planned to visit the Library of Congress to research secret societies, the court papers say. He was arrested Friday after he stopped his Jeep to ask an officer for directions.

The officer noticed a rifle case on a passenger seat, leading to a search that uncovered the grenade, AK-47, knives and ammunition, authorities said."

Okay... this is like, 3 blocks from where I work! Not only that, but it happened LAST WEEK and this is the first I've heard about the incident... note to Capitol Police: keep me in the loop next time you catch a schizophrenic wandering Capitol Hill with an assault rifle and grenade!

Well... at least he was coming here to help...


Brian said...

Fartinsphere - Where were you and what were you doing seven years ago, today?

Joel said...

As is usually the case, I was on the phone with you. You're like the Chris Mortenson of my life, you're always the first to break big news, although 50% of the time you get the story wrong... you called me to say that a small plane had hit the building, and then I remember us having a little debate about whether or not it was intentional even AFTER the second plane hit. I remember one of us honestly putting forth the possibilty that there was some bizzare glitch with air traffic control and that it was all an accident, which is just insane when you think about it... then the pentagon crash happened and that of course altered the entire course of my life.

Joel said...

btw, fartinsphere is good, although my vote would be "fellow shower farters", but that may be a bit too lengthy.

Unknown said...

I was driving to school listening to Elliot in the Morning. When they reported the first plane, I thought it was some stupid bit they were doing and switched stations. It wasn't until second period that we found out the truth. Half of my classmates' parents worked in DC (and many at the Pentagon) so they were all frantically on the phone while the rest of us stared at a TV in the drama room.

Unknown said...

Also - I had to work that evening at TGI Fridays. I remember just being stunned that the restaurant was just as packed as ever with people bitching about their Ultimate Margarita not coming quickly enough or their Jack Daniels Shrimp having too little sauce. Really? You're really going to give me shit for not sitting you at a booth after this morning?

sonrisa morena said...
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sonrisa morena said...

u are hilarious!!!!! the "crazy guy" post and this one reminded me so much of my ex clients!!! I had schizo (term we used for the case study)clients whom i totally adored but at times scared the crap out of me!!!

I used to call one of them every Friday to wish him a good weekend. If i didn't call he would spend his entire weekend locked up in his apartment because "for sure someone was out to get him if maggie magaline (sonrisa to you bloggers) didn't call him". I then had to call him on Monday to re-assure him that "maggie magaline had survived" and also to ask him how his weekend went. On a particular monday, he tells me "i bought some shoes this weekend" I said "i know". he asked very curiously and cautiously "how did you know ms. maggie magaline?" i responded "i have eyes everywhere. i can see anything and everything you do" he started laughing and tells me "oh ms. maggie Magaline you shouldn't tell me those things, you know my condition!!" we laughed it off. Mind you, I wouldn't have NEVER said that had he not been high. He smoked ALOT of weed and when he was high he was a very sane and intelligent man. When he wasn't high...which was always by the end of the month because by then he had run out of money...he was CRAZY!!!! the world was always out to get him!!! he would call CNN news at midnight to tell them how he felt about the government and that was not leaving his apartment because he was sure there was someone waiting for him outside his door to kill him!!! "no, i'm not stupid!!! i know what those people are doing!! they will never get me!!" is what he would say. i do miss him!!

I got a 9-5:00 job and i get to read your blog during my lunch hour, which has always been fun and a pleasure to read!! makes me forget about work!!!! thanks