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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Misplaced (?) Note

I found a 'post-it' note stuck to the windshield of my car yesterday in the metro parking garage. It read as follows:

WHY wont u call me back! - Dan*

The note isn't addressed to anyone in particular, and since I don't know any "Dan" (at least not well enough for them to leave a note on my car) I assume the note was not intended for me. I drive a black jeep and I have noticed that there is another black jeep that often parks somewhat near me, so maybe they're the person who won't call Dan back.

Anyway, I've spent a lot of time thinking about the note last night and I've decided that Dan is an asshole. I have several reasons:

[1] Someone is avoiding Dan's calls... we don't know Dan, but we know that someone who does know Dan doesn't think he's worth calling back. Not a good sign.

[2] Dan can't take a hint... if someone is avoiding your calls to the point that you need to leave a note for them, then you already know why they won't call you back and you're just being pushy.

[3] Dan isn't worried... I was thinking about acceptable reasons you could leave a note on someones car if they weren't calling you back and the only thing I could come up with is: you're worried that something has happened to the person. But that is clearly not the case with Dan. He left the note on a car at the Metro parking garage. That means he thought the person was on the metro. People who are on the metro are not dead, in a coma, or kidnapped.

[4] Dan is angry... note the "!" at the end of the sentence... it should be a "?". Had the sentence ended in a period I would have chalked it up to grammatical error and moved on. But he took the time to end with an expressive character and the character he chose to express was 'anger' over 'confusion'... So really, the whole note is dishonest... What he wanted to write was: "I'm pissed off that you haven't called me back!"

[5] Dan was determined... this parking garage is not free. Dan paid to get in. He could have walked into the garage, but there is no free parking close by. So either he [a] paid to get into the garage, [b] paid to park on a nearby street, or [c] parked several blocks away and walked in. I suppose you could argue that perhaps Dan rides the metro and uses the garage everyday. But if that was the case wouldn't he probably know his intended recipient's car a little better?

[6] Dan screwed up... as we determined above, Dan went out of his way to leave this note, he was angry, maybe a little hurt... this note was important to him... and yet he didn't even manage to find the right car! Who puts all that effort into writing a note only to deliver it to the wrong person?

Dan does... And like I said, Dan is an asshole... I wouldn't call him back either.

*I'm going to try and get an actual picture of the note instead of just the transcript but I doubt I'll be able to get it done until tomorrow**

**Yes, I kept the note. I don't know what that says about me.


HispanicPundit said...

Probably some sprung kid with psycho tendencies...the girl better be careful!

Catastrophe Waitress said...

yes -
i think you'd better post an actual picture of this note.
are you sure it wasn't Dan-short-for-Danielle?
was it girl writing?
you might have missed that detail, as she's obviously written it in a furious scrawl, which might make it appear to be a man's writing.
oh yes
it's all in the details.