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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Memory Lane

I don't miss my old job in insurance... not a bit... not even on my bad days here back at my old job.

I don't miss judgmental coworkers, or a boss that "forgets" to give raises, tries to dress me up in a sombrero, and takes his shirt off to expose his sweaty gray chest hair to the customers.

Do I miss lunch with Moe Greene everyday? Sure, but the job?

Hell no.

I will however admit that my blog probably misses that job. It provided me with some good material. It seemed like every couple days my boss would say or do something that was so inappropriate or stupid that I would have to share it with all my blog friends.

But the good thing is, Moe Greene does still work in hell there, and from time to time he can send us an update on the worst boss in the world.

And with that theme in mind I give you this excerpt from a conversation Moe overheard yesterday between the old boss and an old lady in the office to pay her bill:

Old Woman: "These oil prices are out of control. That damn Bush."

Worst Boss Ever: "It's not Bush's fault. He's out of oil."

Old Woman: "Who should we blame?"

Worst Boss Ever: "Politicians"

Of course, Moe Greene didn't have the balls to tell Worst Boss Ever that the 'W' is in fact a politician... but we'll forgive him for that since he was nice enough to send us the update.

1 comment:

cindylu said...

All I can remember about that was some lady with cleavage who came on to you or something. Am I confused?