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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Thankless Saturday


I work Saturdays... it's only a half day, but regardless, nobody wants to wake up Saturday morning and go to work, even if it’s only for 4 hours... But whatever, that's my life.

Anyway, it was a busy Saturday and I almost didn't have enough time to eat the Chinese I had delivered.

I ate a small wonton soup and then was interrupted like 6 times while trying to eat my shrimp fried rice... Finally I just gave up after eating about half of the portion... I brought the other half home... to eat later, for someone else to eat- I don't know, I just brought it home.

Anyway, I get home and I'm sitting on the bed talking to my wife about my day, blah blah blah... she mentions that she's hungry.

I told her about my Chinese and she gave me a look of disbelief that I was just going to give her my Chinese leftovers... She raced down the stairs to get the food before I changed my mind... I could here her heating it up in the microwave.

She came upstairs, it smelled great. She started to chow down...

"Your welcome..." I sarcastically said, since she never said "thank you."

"For what?"

"For the food."

"Why should I say thank you, you didn't bring it for me, you brought it for you to eat later."

"Yeah but I gave it to you."

"I'm not saying thank you."

"That's crazy..."

And then she pushed the plate towards me and said I could have it back, because she wasn't going to say thank you.

"Just eat the food then... Don't say thanks, whatever." At that point I left the room, because I'm not about to fight about left over Chinese 2 days after our anniversary.

“I’m not going to eat it!” she yelled as I walked away.

I came back into the room 20 minutes later, “did you eat it?” I asked.

“No,” she replied with a wicked grin on her face.

I opened the carton, it was empty. She had eaten it.

"Was it good?"


“Are you going say thank you?”



While I was at work today, my boss decided he was going to be rearranging the office... Typically it's just me and Moe Green on Saturday's but because of all this rearranging, the boss was there too.

Now, you don't need to know my boss to actually KNOW him... Just picture the most incompetent boss/manager you've ever had in your life... Now imagine that in addition to being wildly incompetent, he's also literally the biggest jerk you've ever met... Now picture that he also has conveniently "forgotten" to give the office their yearly raise that was due on Jan 1st... Whenever he's asked about it, he says "I'll think about it..."

Keep in mind he has never NOT given the raises out... but now all of a sudden he has to think about it... meanwhile we're #1 in sales in our city right now, and he's planning a trip to Thailand, looking into a $10,000 per year country club membership, and wants to buy a new Escalade to replace the old one, which is only 2 years old?!?!?!

We are only scheduled to work until 2 o'clock... then, at 1:58 he calls Moe Green and myself over to his office and asks us to help move a VERY heavy desk.

We had to take his office door off its hinges and the slide this desk out of his office and finally onto a dolly. This took about 20 minutes... 20 minutes I'm not getting paid for.

Anyway, the desk is on the dolly and I have to go hold the front door open so he can wheel the thing out.

I'm maybe 4-5 feet behind him at the door... As he tilts the desk back with the dolly and starts to try and roll it back towards him I get a very sinister thought.

"What if this VERY heavy desk starts to fall back on him?"

I mean clearly, if that scenario were to take place it would fall to me (being the one right behind him) to lend a hand and keep it from crushing him.

It occurred to me that I wasn't sure if I would actually do that... I might just watch it crush him; I really wasn't positive one way or the other.

Sure enough, he leaned it back a little too far and I saw his pasty white arms start to show signs of buckling under the weight.

My first reaction, I’m sad to say was, "Yes, yes, yes! Crush him."

Then I came to my senses and reached my hand out to help him balance the damn thing.

"What are you doing, let it crush him!?" I screamed at myself... But it was too late. The little shove of my hand on the desk for a brief couple of seconds was all he needed to get the monstrous piece of furniture back under control...

When it was all done, I’d worked 30 minutes of manual labor for free, for a guy who won’t give us the raises we’re owed… and the prick didn't even say thank you...

Afterwards I went home and STORY ONE happened... and as you know I never got a thank you for that either.


jennifer said...

THANK YOU, joel, for blogging. your stories are always engaging and often make me laugh.

it's still saturday in california. so you can't say that it was a totally thankless saturday.

Cincysundevil said...

I'll go along with Jennifer and say "Thank you, sir".

Don't worry, I work as a glorified 7-11 clerk in slightly better digs (although they have Big Gulps and hot dogs so I think they actually have a better deal). So we both work thankless jobs!

Anonymous said...

uh, thank you for sharing. but tsk, tsk...you should have known that you would have gotten brownie points for getting morena chinese food to surprise her with when you got home.

Joel said...

Jennifer- that's very true... your welcome, or thank you, or IDK... it's so rare that I get a thanks I don't know how to react (okay that's bit dramatic, but that's what I do...)

cincysundevil- yep, if you've got a big gulp machine AND hotdogs than you've got me beat

angelcakes- you know, whenever I hit that random blog button nothing good comes of it... it's usually something in portugesse or german... I've also landed on lots of 2 year old blog pages about a guy who just broke up with his girlfriend... they're all the same.
but hopefully you'll find my blog more interesting than a depressed portegues teenager... btw I'd be honered if you added me to your links, thanks.

chancla- you're right, as usual chancla... but I never thought there would be and leftovers from my lunch, and thus she would have never even known I bought chinesse at all... so maybe it was my guilt that led me to offer her the food... regardles, a thanks would have been nice

Anonymous said...

Thank you for SHARING THAT! :)

I think your bosses female twin works in dallas. . .as um. ..someone's boss as well . .lol.

Joel said...

the informant- wow, no functioning until 3... that's impressive.

marie- no, nothing is exagerated. if anything I sometimes try to mame it less pathetic... and my right wing office manager lady thinks clay aiken is straight and doesn't believe that there are even rumors that he's gay. she says I'm just making it up... she gets really angry about it too.

cad- I feel your pain.