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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Into the Wild

I've been thinking about Uruguay again... I've been reading "Into The Wild" by Jon Krakauer. It is the story of Chris McCandless, a 24 year old kid from the DC area who was so disillusioned with society and the rat race, that he decided to get rid of all his material possessions and roam the country aimlessly.

Eventually he hitchhiked his way to Alaska to 'live off the land', only to end up starving to death... When some hunters found his body in an abandoned bus weeks later they also found his travel diary, which is how the story got out and eventually became a book... It was also adapted into a movie last year, but I haven't seen it yet and so can't really recommend it... But I can and do however, recommend the book.

I had read it several years ago but only recently stumbled across it again in a box of old books that I had long since forgotten about.

I found myself thumbing through it yesterday. It makes me want to disappear the way he did, only Uruguay and not Alaska... And you know what? I think I'd like to skip the whole 'starving to death in an abandoned bus out in the middle of nowhere' part as well... It's not really my thing... I also doubt I'd be able to abandon my material possessions either... and maybe instead of a backpack full of rice I could have a duffel bag full of money, that would be cool... but basically it would be the same kind of journey.


Santiago said...

I will have to read that book. It reminds me a little of "On the Road" by John Kerouac. He had a great style of writing. I am not sure they are similar, but it has the same aura.

Anonymous said...

i just want the bag full of cash! lol

Anonymous said...

You have a vivid imagination.