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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Happy Ending to the Foggy Morning

This morning I stumbled into my kitchen half awake and flipped on the light switch… At that exact moment I heard the loud crashing sound of steel on concrete come from the parking lot of our building. The sound coincided perfectly with my flipping of the switch. I was sure I'd caused it. “Oh shit, I’ve done it now,” I thought to myself.

It wasn’t until 15-20 minutes later when I was in the shower that I realized that the noise had actually been a trash truck picking up and then putting down our building’s dumpster… “So I’m off the hook then… Thank god.”

But my morning fog/confusion didn’t end there… Once I got on the subway this morning and sat down, I immediately began to drift back into that disoriented half asleep-half awake state… Just when I was about to completely fall asleep I caught myself and jerked my head up. Sitting directly in front of me was Mary Louis Parker… no seriously… in the flesh… It was Mary Louise Parker, I’m sure of it… well, maybe “sure of it” is too strong… It looked just like her though, trust me I got a really good look at her; I was staring at her for the better part of 7 stops. And I mean directly at her too, I couldn’t help it. I was still trying to fight off sleep.

It wasn’t until she stood up to get off on the next stop that it finally occurred to me, “What the fuck would Mary Louise Parker be doing getting off the Metro in Chinatown at 5:45 AM in our Nation's Capitol?!”

For the second time this morning, I felt pretty stupid… But as the title of this post indicates, this story has a happy ending… When I got off on my stop a few minutes later I buried my hands deep into my coat pockets to brace for the cold walk to my office. To my surprise, iside my coat pocket I found a bagel wrapped in a napkin…

I had stuffed it into my coat pocket this morning with the intention of eating it on my drive to the subway station. But somewhere between the magic light switch and Mary Louise Parker I had managed to completely forget about it.

I’ve heard of people pulling out a winter coat and finding a long forgotten $20 bill before, but I’ve never heard of someone finding a toasted and sliced bagel filled with a generous helping of cream cheese…

And it was still warm too!


Santiago said...

Oh yes...that is a good ending to a foggy morning. Eye candy in the morning helps me wake up. I think that was one of the great things about riding public transportation.

jennifer said...

that *is* a happy ending. now i want a bagel. yum.

Mick & Cathy said...

Your light switch story reminded of an incident at work a few years ago. We had a new engineer and he'd been given the task of testing the Fire Alarms.
As he put the key in the first alarm point we had a total Power Cut the whole place was in darkness. He was convinced he did something wrong of course we didn't help or reassure him at all.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

That's a beautiful story. How cute.

cindylu said...

This is a perfect reminder of why I don't like to get up in the morning. Too much confusion. I'd rather sleep in.

HispanicPundit said...

Hahahaha...you are the best storyteller ever. I'm glad you are back to blogging.

Joel said...

santiago- you're right but sadly there just isn't a lot of eye candy getting on the train at 5 in the morning... but on my way home it's a diferent story, I'm fully awake for that.

jennifer- i live for bagels

wrb- how long did you wait before telling him the truth? i would have let that one drag on as long as possible

regina- thanks

cindylu- me too

hp- don't call it a come back I've been here for years.

Anonymous said...

i once found a five dollar bill in a pair of old bellbottom jeans i picked up at the thrift store for a costume. it had these funky zippered pockets and when i opened them there was the money.

Anonymous said...

was Mary Louise Parker pregnant? was her belly showing? ya know she's like due any minute now. on the last episode of weeds last season her belly was showing.

i freakin' luff that show!

i want a bagel now.

guess what i just ate, chicken tamales with philedephia cheese in them, ever try them? omg so good!