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Wednesday, October 04, 2006


It just occurred to me today that last month my blog had its first birthday… I’m not really sure how I managed to miss that, but I did.

When I started this blog I wasn’t expecting for it to have gone as long as it has, and I certainly couldn’t have expected to have actual readers… but here I am, still blogging, and you people are still reading… Instead of rambling on about all the things I've written over the last year I’ve decided to take a look back at what some of you all were writing when my blog started.

Of course not all of my favorite bloggers were blogging back then, but for those of you who were… hope you don’t mind me snooping around in your archives…

Chicana on the Edge had a horror story about an airline losing her luggage

Cracked Chancla was busy revealing her plan to become her own boss and open a bookstore...

Dr. Vodka was learning not to let her job in Medicine keep her from surpressing her life as an artist...

Gustavo Rojo (you know, back when he had time to blog) gave me my first blog shout out, and oh yeah it was a pretty kick ass post too...

Jenn of Jenn’s Journey was finally able to finish the dissertation that she started in October 2003...

JHD went on a rant about INXS selling out...

Cindylu used her puking experience as the inspiration to reveal her top 5 most embarrassing moments...

Vanessa was getting ready for the Superclasico between her beloved Club America and their rival Chivas… it’s a great post but my favorite part is actually found in the comments section. Some Chivas fan rambles on about how much better Chivas is than everyone else because they win with an all-Mexican team... and then he wraps up his comment by saying that he dislikes Club America because they have a “we are better than everyone else” attitude… to bad spell check doesn’t have an option to search for hypocrisy!

Santiago waxed poetic on his love of… well, love...

Sonrisa Morena confessed to her family’s Labor Day gathering turning into a viewing party for la Madrasta...

And finally, the CincySunDevil had this hilarious post listing the ways his job at the time was actually very similar to being confined in a retirement community...

*I searched for way too long to try and find the achieve section for CAD who's No Controles is one of my favortie blogs, but she seems to have gotten rid of it... you know, probably to keep people like me from looking through her old posts!


Anonymous said...


Keep them coming Joel.....

sonrisa morena said...

aaaahhh yes...i remember this just like it was a year ago ;-)

glad to still have you around!!!!

Mick & Cathy said...

Its interesting to read some of the old stories.

under the red sky said...

Happy Birthday bro! I'm still around! It's the damn MLB season and its playoffs that have me busy!!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

It's hard to imagine not blogging. I'm hooked (since June 2004). I doubt my blog will be disappearing any time soon. I hope yours doesn't either. Let's keep writing!

Santiago said...

yes...i am glad ur still around. missed the frequent posts. (chanting) FILM VAULT _______. thanks for sticking with us and lets continue to write.

Vanessa said...
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Vanessa said...

Congratulations on the blog birthday. Keep on blogging...you have a unique and hilarious point of view.

I missed blogging about the Superclssico this year. Alas, America lost. Devastating. As for that comment, Chivas fans never make sense.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday.

LOL, i wasn't blogging back then at this time. .was i? nope, just checked. I started on december 1st.

I really need to finish editing my blog, i never put the archive file or my fav's etc. And i have this whole new header i created for october "think pink" month. Blah, just haven't had the time. Too busy with other projects. I promise that i will really look into making it more user friendly! :)

Anyhoo! I happy blog birthday again, and many more! :)

JHD said...

Happy blog birthday! *throws confetti*

I agree with WRB, it was interesting to read everyone's stories from a year ago, to read what people thought was important enough to write about.

jennifer said...

happy belated blog birthday! i still remember the first post of yours that i read--new years scar. i was hooked!

Joel said...

thanks for all the bday well wishers. maybe next year Ill remember to celebrate it on time!

Cincysundevil said...

Happy B-Day! It's amazing to look back and realize how long you've been blogging. Keep up the good writing and I'll agree to keep updating as well (even if only once a week or so).

Anonymous said...

happy blog birthday joel. you better keep blogging and the laughs coming. i get sad when you don't blog.

sonrisa morena said...

dude are you going cincy on us?!?!!?

Joel said...

cesar- glad to see you're back where you belong... and even more than that I'm thrilled to see hat your new blog includes the comeplete archive. I was a little worried.