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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I just got back from Houston… Every time we go down there my wife’s sisters try to talk us into moving down there and to be honest they’ve almost got me sold on the idea.

In case you’ve never been to Houston here is how the housing situation works:

Do you have a pulse: YES

Can you sign on the dotted line? YES

Congratulations, you’re now a homeowner…

Another reason I wouldn’t mind moving don there is it would keep me from ever having to drive there again… I’ve now made the drive 3 times and I’ve sworn to never do it again after each trip. 24 hours in a car is just no fun at all.

Plus you have to drive through Louisiana… Have you ever been to someone’s house and it was so dirty and nasty that you didn’t want to touch anything? Well that’s what the entire State of Louisiana makes me feel… Every time I make the trip something strange happens. The highlight of which came the first time I passed through… We were at a gas station when a dog with 3 legs and 1 eye tried to climb into my car. Even he knew enough to know he wanted to get out of the State.

Plus there is always a not so subtle hint of racism in the smaller towns when we’ve stopped for Gas and/or food.

This year there was an old Cajon man in a McDonald’s who looked at us like he wanted to kill us because we were speaking Spanish… It amazes me that this old man lives in a state where a portion of the population literally made up a language of their own (Creole) yet he was so angry at hearing us speaking Spanish… The best part was that he was picking his nose the whole time he was giving us the stare down!?! He was a real gentlemen to say the least.

I’m sure I’ve just had bad luck with the State. My father has been to New Orleans a bunch of times and has called it his favorite city (although that may have been the liquor and hookers talking) but as far as I’m concerned, I wouldn’t mind avoiding the place for the rest of my life.

If we do make the move to Houston, I'm going to have find away to bypass the Magnolia State.


knibilnats said...

Louisiana sucks, but have you ever been to Mississippi? That's the worst state ever. I walked into a gas station, confederate flags everywhere, and everyone turned and gave me a dirty look on my way to the bathroom. I don't think they knew that I'm a Jew, they probably just thought "That boi ain't from a-roun' her'?"

An Arby's in Arkansas with a Muslim friend of mine and a buttload of bikers, generated a similar reaction.

Mick & Cathy said...

24 hours in a car, I could go from one end of England to the other more than four times.
I do not envy that journey you must have been bored out of your scull.

sonrisa morena said...

as long you keep blogging i'm okay with you moving ;-)

Anonymous said...

next time you should detour and spend a couple of days in chicago. driving to san antonio from chicago is about a 24 hour drive--give or take. i'm not sure how far that is from houston. i know that would make for more driving but you wouldn't have to stop in louisiana. although some of the places where we have stopped along the way made me a bit uneasy but nothing was more nerve wrecking than driving through missouri during a thunderstorm with tornado and flash flood warnings on the radio.

Becca said...

Texas is the best...I fully support the move to Texas....now HOUSTON>>>>>not so sure. Out of all the cities in Texas...Houston?????? Humidity? Yuck! Now...Austin or Dallas...those are good cities :)

Anonymous said...

yes move to texas!! that would rock. I'm telling u, go for it. Y'all can come visit me over here in dallas! woot! the bloggers party will be closer!

I haven't been to Louisiana much, but i've heard the freaky stories!

and 24 hours in a car!! NI LOCA! that's just ccccccraaaazy!

Joel said...

knibilnats- just the idea of passing through Mississippi scares the hell out of me. I always try to fill up before I enter the state... the few times I've had to stop there have been at night and even though nothing has ever happened on those stops, it's still creepy.

white rose boy- the first 16 or so hours aren't that bad actually, it's that last 8 that test your sanity.

sonrisa- of course the blog would continue, but it would be weird to be named DCNats and live in Texas.

cracked chanlca- I think the city of Chicago should actually move to Texas.

Julissa- I'm always shocked at how blatant the racism can be in south, but I would have never thought of Missouri in that way... that's scary

Marie- the humidity was pretty out of control on our visit, but that's where all the family is so it would have to be Houston... of course I'd still be close enough to make a road trip to all of those other places.

CAD- we could have our own texas blogger get togethers and make everyone in Chicago jealous!

under the red sky said...

did you happen to see Bobby Boucher?