...Got a request for a movie or fast food item you'd like to have reviewd? Or maybe just something to say? Drop a note in the chatbox on the side column...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


It was my final day in Houston… I had just finished packing up the car… The World Cup, and subsequently one final family gathering was supposed to begin in one hour.

I knew this was my only chance to finally hoist my Holy Grail… My time had come, my moment had arrived… it was time for me to finally go to Sonic!!!!

As you may remember from some of my previous posts, for some reason my area has been saturated with commercials for Sonic Fast Food for the past 3 years. The only problem is, the closest one is 4 hours away!

I had noticed the many Sonics located around the immediate area of my sister in law’s house on our previous Houston trips, but I had never had the time or the comfort level to venture out on my own to try one… but this trip would be different.

I took one final look at the clock. If I was going to go, I needed to go now.

I grabbed my keys… I looked both ways to make sure nobody was around to either tag along or delay my departure… I was cleared for take off… I made my move for the door.

Just as I opened the door I heard the voice of my little nephew Esteban Jr… “Tio… donde vas?”

I paused for a moment… If I took him with me I would have to find his mom and tell her, and then all the other kids would want to go, or worse yet give me a list of requests… I’d never have time…

I swallowed my guilt and flew out the door… This is an important mission I told myself.

10 minutes later I pulled up to the Sonic… The order process was a little weird, for instance I was not prepared for the Tater-Tot over Fires Option, or the plethora of other potential side orders… plus every drink combination looked good.

I finally settled on a Double-Cheeseburger Meal, Tater-Tots over fires, an order of Mozzarella Sticks, and a Cherry Limeade drink... The Cheeseburger looked small on the menu but tuned out to be huge, so that made it really hard to get it all down, but I managed…

Of course while I was waiting for my food I had to call Moe Greene and brag… I left a voice mail. It went something like this:

“Enjoy your silly McDonald’s, I’m at a Sonic… bitch!”

He called me back 15 minutes later as I was finishing up my food… He told me that a Sonic had just opened a few weeks ago in this town we pass through on our way to the Beach… He had spotted with his wife and kids the week before but had refused to stop there because he knew he was going to the beach with me and another friend in a month… He wanted it to be a surprise…

Hearing this made me feel like a jerk.

I took a final sip of my Cherry Limeade… it was sooooo good.

Yeah, I felt bad... but not that bad.


sonrisa morena said...

well i hope you enjoyed your burger!!!...i like the title by the way :-)

Cincysundevil said...

Aaaaahhhh .... yes, I'm back and I'm glad you finally got to try my beloved Cherry Limeade. I can't go but a few days with a drink of that perfect concoction. Sonic puts McD's to shame .. it really does.

Mick & Cathy said...

You felt bad, yeh I believe you !

Brian said...

You're dead to me now.

Santiago said...

It sounded really yummy. I have to find a Sonic. I'm sure Moe will understand.

Becca said...

Moe...funny comment...might be the best phrasology ever.

DC...I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! I LOVE sonic...I go almost every day on my way to work and get a large diet vanilla DP....i would say I spend $10 a week on drinks there...I have a feeling you will be going to the beach a lot :)

sonrisa morena said...

heeeeyyyy!! cincy is alive!!!

Joel said...

Sonrisa just had the EXACT same reaction as I did when I saw that cincy was back... dude, I thought that there was like a 5-10% chance that you might be dead... great to have you back, can't wait to read a blog update!

under the red sky said...

Sonic is aight...it's all about In-N-Out. Even the onions taste good on!

Anonymous said...

dc, despite being super cool, funny and nice, you've got an evil streak (you taunted moe and dissed the nephew) that i admire but unnerves me.

Anonymous said...

Hi DC,

I am a lurker for the most part, but I had to comment! I like, cad, live about 2 minutes away from a Sonic, and a McDonald's. I must admit, I have gone to Sonic for a burger, and then driven across the parking lot to McDonald's for the fries! Then I wonder why I have a buddha belly.. =|

JHD said...

All I'm going to say is that Joel is a god. If he can manage to get Cincy to post after going AWOL for several months, (and yet Cincy can't be bothered to update his own blog...), then clearly Joel has powers beyond what we've all guessed.

Who knew it would only take a Cherry Limade to get it done?

Cincysundevil said...

There's not much I wouldn't do for a 44 oz. Cherry Limeade ......

Joel said...

My favorite part of all the comments (besides the unexpected retun of Cincy of course) is hearing about all these other wierd fast food chains... Culver's, Braums's, etc... I guess those are other places I'll have to put on the list... I wonder what Fast Food places in my area are specific to only my area? Does anyone else have a Roy Roger's? How about Arby's, Checkers, or Chic-Filet?

sonrisa morena said...

i totally agree with jhd!! dcn you are now officially considered my god!!! ;-)

chic-filet? what is that? sounds like a place that sells chicken and fish or something like it. is it fried food? if so then i'll probably like it.

JHD said...

Mmm, Roy Rogers. I haven't seen one of those since I left Maryland. Are they still any good?

Sonrisa, Chick-Fil-A is as you've guessed - a chicken place. It's mostly on the East Coast and part of the Midwest (it's the one that's closed on Sundays because the owners are religious). It's pretty tasty.

I'm trying to think of what else we've got around here in Ohio that I've never seen anywhere else. Rally's, Penn Station (subs), Gold Star Chili, Skyline Chili, White Castle (as opposed to Krystal's I see when I'm in the South)

Oh, I just came back from North Carolina several weeks ago, and they have a chicken place called Bojangles, which I'd never heard of.

Anonymous said...

we used to have checkers. i used to love their milkshakes and fries. then they all closed and most of their buildings were turned into car title loan stores. i think harold's chicken shack is a chicago chain too but they got the best chicken wing dinners.

Joel said...

JHD gives a good discription of Chick-Fil-A... the no Sundays thing is weird, but they know how to make a chicken sandwich and their breakfast stuff is REALLY REALLY good.
also, we have a chaim called "Cluck U" that makes really good wings, but their mostly located around the University of Maryland and I think there are some in Ocean City. they need to expand.