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Thursday, March 23, 2006


We're coming at you LIVE from an anonymous Insurance Agency located on the outskirts of the DC suburbs.

I'm sitting at a desk across from the infamous McDonald's addict himself Moe Greene... My recent post exposing Moe's "habit" has served as an intervention of sorts, and it's been decided that he needs to get his eating under control.

But, like any addict about to go to rehab he needs to go on one last bender... He needs one last dance... One last gasp... One last grope before the lights come on and everyone is ushered home to sleep it off.

And of course anything worth doing is worth doing right... Being the supportive friend that I am I've decided to exploit Moe's situation by being a witness and enabler in his final act of bliss and gluttony.

The Challenge: Moe will be attempting to take down 30 (that's right THIRTY!) crispy, greasy, artery clogging McNuggets!

That's processed chicken- dipped in batter, dropped in a deep fryer, covered in salt, and finally delivered right into Moe Greene's gut!

But wait there's more! We've also got a large order of under-cooked and over salted French fries... The nuggets will be washed down with a large coke that could be more aptly described as a Bucket of Coke!

This blog and of course Moe's body may never be the same... It's been suggested by some that he could save himself a lot of trouble by skipping the middle part of this process and just dropping the nuggets directly into the toilet... but what fun would that be?! Not even a literary genius such as myself could make that into an interesting blog post.

If I were an odds maker, I would describe the odds of him finishing the meal at 3-1, he's got a good shot but will most likely fall short...

The odds of him having a medical emergency are 40-1, not likely- but certainly not impossible.

In fact I wish I had posted these odds yesterday so I could take bets... Are you telling me you wouldn't be tempted to throw $5 down on Moe having a heart attack at 40-1 odds?!? That's a $200 pay off... These are the kind of things you could bet on if I was ever in charge of a Las Vegas Casino, but I digress.

Just a little background before we get started:

Moe weighed in for this afternoon's event at 6 feet tall, 206 pounds- 36 inch waist...

Up until yesterday the plan was for Moe to eat only the 30 nuggets washed down with water... But he must have woken up feeling ambitious today because he requested the Coke and Fries as well. Against my better judgment I went ahead and bought them...

A few other questions to get out of the way before this goes down... NO, I don't think he'll get down all 30 nuggets, my prediction is 27, I think the fires will keep him from reaching the finish line...

YES, I'm eating as well- but I'm going "light" with a Double Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese extra value meal...

and NO, I haven't had any CPR training since 9th Grade Health Class...

Now that we have all that out of the way, it's Showtime!

[Insert Drum Roll]

McNUGGETS 1-10: Moe downs the first 10 nuggets with leisure... I ask him how he feels; "Hungry" is his response. He looks confident, a little cocky even.

McNUGGETS 11-15: Moe says he feels "fine", but his fry box is still 3/4 full... I still don't think he can do it.

As a side note, the meal he's eating actually makes my Double Quarter Pounder look healthy, and I doubt the adjective "healthy" as ever been used in conjunction with that sandwich before... we're breaking all sorts of new ground here today.

McNUGGETS 15-20: He reached the 20 nugget mark much sooner than I had anticipated... "It's actually quite manageable for me," he continues "but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing."

I would say it's good for the blog, bad for his health... At least we've got our priorities straight.

McNUGGET 22: After downing nugget 22 Moe decides to go back to the fries for a while... For the record, we're down to 8 nuggets, a half box of fries, and his Coke is just about gone.

McNUGGET 25: Moe's thoughts: "I feel fine... a little full but I usually eat way past 'a little full' anyway."

McNUGGET 28: He seemed to slow down a bit getting to Nugget 28 but he says getting to 30 will be no problem... I have drastically underestimated the elasticity of his gut.

McNUGGETS 29/30: He downs the final two nuggets before I even realize what happened... I was hoping to make a little ceremony for downing the 30th nugget but I guess we won't be able to do that...

"I feel full, very full- but not sick or anything... I still have a half box of fries," he tells me and our receptionist Pat... Pat sums it up the best when she lets out a stunned and disgusted, "Oh my God!"

He ended up leaving a couple of fries in the box, but he wants everyone to know that it was because they're cold, not because he couldn't finish them... I think I may even believe him.

Final Tally:

30 Nuggets, 1 Very Large Coke, and almost an entire Large order of Fries.

According to Moe's calculation (using the McDonald's website) he took in 1760 calories... 94 grams of fat... and 79 grams of protein...

I'm not sure what all that really means so Moe sums it up for me- "It's really bad, but I probably won't die."

My Final Thoughts: I'm thankful we were able to pull the whole meal off without Moe dying... I'm also glad to know that this was his "Grand Finale" for fast food eating. Vamos a ver.

I once saw an HBO documentary that followed heroin addicts for a year... At one point the main character said he had recently tried to kill himself by shooting up an absurd amount of heroin... Enough heroin to kill an Elephant... Only the dose didn't kill him, it just got him really high. he was a little upset at his failure but what really bothered him was the knowledge that his habit was SO out of control that he could actually shoot that much heroin and NOT die.

That's how I feel right now... Moe should be doubled over on the floor with stomach pains right now, instead he looks hardly phased.

Moe's Final Thoughts: "I'm going to want something sweet later on... Will you go to Dairy Queen to get us Oreo Blizzards if I pay?"

He wasn't joking.


Santiago said...

I love the fact you make the challenge come alive like a Boxing Announcer. It is too hilarious. This was definitely a first. Lets see how long this will last.

Moe, if you are out there, I have to say I am impressed.

jennifer said...

i literally started to gag while reading this post.
seriously, moe. stop the madness.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...


i didn't think he would be able to finish. yeah, mcdonald's fries get cold very quickly. i know i can eat 10 nuggets with no problem ....but 30!!!

after reading that, i feel like i gained weight!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...


good luck

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...


Anonymous said...

is he willing to try the thirty nugget meal for thirty days? that would be interesting to watch.

Cincysundevil said...

All hail Moe; I have to admit my jealousy. I know during law school, I would drive home from Ohio to Texas for the holidays. I'd pick up the 20 piece McNuggets, a large fry, and the bladder busting 44oz Coke and start the 24 hour trip. It would take me about 7 hours to dust it off. What Moe has done today is just monumental!

Anonymous said...

OMG..........Thats just outragious!
I cant believe that he ate all of that....

JHD said...

Hmm, after reading that post, I'm no longer hungry. Maybe I should reread it whenever I get the urge to eat something, then it'll feel like I already have eaten. I sense a new diet fad here.

And I'm almost afraid to ask if he did in fact have a Blizzard later on.

Nice name for the post: The Last Supper. Does that make the Bucket of Coke the Holy Grail?

Joel said...

SANTIAGO- I was actually thinking about trying to match him... Then I remembered that I struggle to get down 20...

JENNIFER- Imagine if you had to watch the whole thing?!

DR VODKA- I didn't think he would ifinish either, I kept waiting for the nausia to hit him but it never did... he's not hunman.

THE INFORMANT- The McDonald's website says it's just processed chicken meat, but I guess they could be lying... to be honest I'm not sure I want to know if they are.

REGINA- that about sums it up.

CRACKED CHANCLA- he let out an audible groan when he read your suggestion... I think that menas no.

CINCYSUNDEVIL- I agree, all hail Moe

APRIL- Basically...

Joel said...

jhd- should I be afraid by the fact that re-reading the post makes me crave nuggets?!?

also, he did not have the blizzard, but only because I didn't want to drive out to Dairy Queen... I got him a small McFlurry instead.

Anonymous said...

OMG....Hes not normal.....
Thats just insane!!!!
I think that you two need to go head to head to see who can eat more..LOL..

I just read the last thing you said....HE HAD A SMALL MCFLURRY TOO? On top of all that crap he ate, AND A MCFLURRY????
Ok..so I have to ask...did he go home and eat dinner? Did he go home and get sick? What does his wife think of his new found hobby??? I bet shes happy..She probally sends him to McDonalds for dinner too! HAHA! Please dont let your kids grow up like that...PLEASE!!!!! Just let them be with their Happy Meals...HAHA!

Mick & Cathy said...

Impressive if mad.

sonrisa morena said...

Holy Crap!!! is all i have to say!! holy crap!!!

Anonymous said...

24 hours later and I feel no different than I do any other day.

Clearly, this is a bad thing. I think Joel's comparison to the heroin addict is dead on. Let's not forget I've already beaten that addiction, so I would know.

I've gone 24 hours without fast food. Can I make it 96 hours come Monday? Only time will tell...

Anonymous said...

I dont think that you are going to be able to make it until Monday...
You are addicted to McDonalds...

You should be McDonalds new "spokesperson"... Get rid od Ronald McDonald...and have you as their new man....Much cuter than that funny looking guy in yellow, red and white...LOL...

kimmyk said...

I feel sick to my stomach just reading that...but an oreo blizzard does sound good. get me one too? mmkay.

Joel said...

APRIL- I guess they could hire Moe as the new spokesperson but it wouldnt look so good when he dies of a heart attack in 3 years... if the guy in the Ronald McDonald outfit dies they just hire a new jerk to put on the red wig.

WHITE ROSE BOY- I gotta say a little of both...

SONRISA- we went to the pizza hut buffet today... but at least it wasnt McDonalds

KIMMYK- Nothing beats an Oreo Blizzard on a hot day.

Anonymous said...

47 hours later...

Still free of fast food. I've had chinese and pizza (not exactly the healthiest foods, either). You have to start somewhere...

Vanessa said...

Moe's incredible (but not in a good way) McDonald's meal won't kill him immediately--it's gonna take a decade or so and then the heart disease will kick in.

Maybe thinking of how all that food is slowly clogging his arteries will motivate him to kick the habit.

sonrisa morena said...

is he STILL alive?!?!?!

Santiago said...

Moe must be made of steel!!!

Joel said...

Vanessa- at the rate he's going I doubt it will take a decade.

Marie- I was trying to come up with a good way to describe the "event" and "a new low in mankind" is pretty good.

Sonrisa- He is, and I suppose that in itself is a small miracle

Santiago- I don't know if Moe is made of steel but his digestive system must be.

Anonymous said...

moe and my brother should have an eating contest. His little skinny 122 lbs, 5'4" body can take in so much food it's not even funny. He orders half of the McDonalds menu most of the time! It's crazy!

I gotta say, I didnt think you could do it. . way to prove me wrong!!

knibilnats said...

that is really gross! i've only gotten up to 15, but i 'm a pretty small guy.

Joel said...

cad- I had a friend growing up who was really skinny and could eat cray amounts of food like Moe and your Brother... it's just not fair.

knibilnats- 15 is your high?! I bet you could take down 20 if you really went all out... of course it takes a um... "special" kind of person to want figure out exactley how many nuggets they can eat in one sitting.

Anonymous said...

I've been able to avoid "fast food" for 120 hours. I've lost three pounds.


Don't read the next line if you're easily grossed out...


Joel said...

Moe- I think that was, for me atleast, the most surprising aspect of the whole event... that you remained "normal" the rest of the day.... I thought for sure you'd have to retire to the little boy's room for one of your imfamous marathon sessions, but nothing.