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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Film Vault Tuesday (Week 10)

So, last week I was doing some shopping in a well known drugstore... when I was walking back to my car I was approached by a crack head holding a still in the box MP3 player. I took a closer look at the box, it hadn't been tampered with and had clearly just been stolen from the drugstore. I had never heard of the generic brand name on the package.

I've been thinking about getting an MP3 player for a while now... Santiago even wrote an MP3 player review to help me decide.

I came to the conclusion that I just wouldn't use one enough to justify the cost of a decent player... At the same time- even the crappy ones go in the $75 range. And who wants to spend that much on something that might not work?

So when this crackhead approached me and was willing to sell this crappy MP3 player for just $20, I couldn't say no... Well actually he wanted $40 but I talked him down to $20.

Anyway, I took my generic MP3 player back to the office to show Moe Greene... his prediction- "it'll be good enough to make you want a better one within a month."

I argued that the small memory and crappy display wouldn't bother me because I'd hardly use the thing anyway... deep down, I knew he was right.

And he was... sort of.

It did make me want to buy a better one, but it didn't take a month, or a week, or even 24 hours. We ended up making a trip to Best Buy that night where I dropped $160 on a fancy one with a color display and double the memory of the crappy one.

As we were walking back to Moe's car, a funny thought occurred to me... For the last 4 years I had resisted the urge to buy an MP3 player, and now I'd bought 2 in the span of 8 hours.


Title: Crooklyn (1994)

Cast: Delroy Lindo, Alfre Woodard, Zelda Harris

Why: Well in honor of the fact that I'm going to see Spike Lee's new movie "Inside Man" this Friday, I thought I'd honor my favorite director by pimping out one of his more underrated movies...

It's semi-autobiographical tale based in 1970's Brooklyn... It follows the Carmichael family as seen through the eyes of their youngest daughter Troy (Zelda Harris).

Delroy Lindo turns in a remarkable performance as Woody, a father struggling to find success as a musician while at the same time trying to provide for his family... Alfre Woodard turns in a solid performance as Woody's wife- a school teacher and mother doing her best to hold the family together.

Remote Stopper Scene: Towards the end of the movie, Troy, the little girl wakes up from a nightmare and Delroy Lindo comforts her... I know that's a really vague description but I can't really go into anymore detail without giving plot twists away... Let's just say it's a very powerful scene.

Goosebump/Tear Factor: I'm a complete mess for the last 20 minutes of the movie.

Overall Rating: Like most Spike Lee films, it has a very quirky and unique style that tends to polarize people... And that's not even factoring in the issue of Spike's politics.

Much of White America completely write off his movies as soon as they here his name involved... Which is very unfortunate because not only is he a brilliant film maker, but his political views are usually greatly misconstrued.

As far as Crooklyn is concerned, I'd put it somewhere between a 7.5 and an 8... The lead actors are great, but some of the supporting cast are out of their league. But it's still an excellent movie.


Mick & Cathy said...

I've never heard of this film.

Your story about the crack head reminds of one time we had been playing table tennis in Liverpool. Loads of people (not me) had their cars broken into in the sports centre car park.
After the tournament a few of us went into a local bar and before we got served the locals offered to sell us all sorts of stolen goods.

Santiago said...

I was just about to recommend to you that you can purchase even a ipod shuffle with decent memory or the nano. I was even thinking about the little noname brand out there with decent specs. I was literally thinking about this on my drive in to work. I was even going to post something about this later. Congrats on the MP3 players.

I will also have to check out this movie too. I thought about renting it, but for some reason didn't. I love that other movie with Rosie Perez, "Do the Right Thing". It was a great movie.

sonrisa morena said...

dcn, you have once again become the favorite person of the day!!! i love this movie!! spike lee is an awsome director and i love the fact that he ALWAYS has to come out in his movies...even if its for a few seconds as a crackhead. i was just listening the soundtrack this weekend!! the music rocks in this movie!! excellent choice my blogger friend, excellent choice!!

jennifer said...

let's summarize:
you bought stolen goods from a crackhead and, in doing so, supported both his thievery and his habit.


what would spike have done?

Anonymous said...

Spike would've sold it for $30.

Joel said...

white rose boy- lol, did any of the stuff look familiar?

santiago- yeah I looked at the shuffle, but I wanted to have some fancy color display that I could overpay for.

sonrisa- yeah Crooklyn is in my Spike Lee top 5... in fact, I'm going I'll have to break that list down right now...
1. 25th Hour
2. Malcolm X
3. Clockers
4. Summer of Sam
5. Do The Right Thing
So actually, I was wrong... it's not in my top five... but it's probably number 6.

Jennifer- I can always count on you to be the conscience of this blog... but what I'll say is this- I said it was clear to me that he had just stolen the MP3 player, but I'm no judge or jury... and maybe the guy wasn't even a crack head... Maybe he was just a upstanding business man who just hadn't had the time to bath or change his clothes in a week... who's to say? the only thing we know for sure is he had one hell of a deal on an MP3 player!

Cincysundevil said...

I'm so like you in that I now have a cheesy small MP3 player with only 4GB of memory. So I'm shopping for a newer model with like 20 or 30GB of memory. I probably won't go with an iPod just because I really love using my Napster To Go service and I don't believe iPod is compatible with it.

I haven't seen Crooklyn but I will make sure to watch it. I think Malcolm X is his best picture. I can catch that movie anytime and start watching.

Mick & Cathy said...

Recognise the stuff I still have the cell phone.

Anonymous said...

crooklyn! i was a mess at the end too. its definitely a tear jerker.

JHD said...

I think iPods are crack. I know I'm addicted. I've gotten more new music since I bought mine last summer than I have in the last couple of years. Their free songs of the week has introduced me to some great new music.

Your dealer was selling the cheapy player not for a fix of real crack, but so that he could buy more songs.

And now that you have an player, there's no excuse not to do the iPod/mp3 meme on my blog....

Joel said...

marie- I'm thinking about going back to that drugstore to see if I can recruit that theif to get me a big screen TV... but that would be a bit much even for me.

cincy- yeah I've looked at all the online music stores and Napster seems to be the best... I could be wrong but I don't think iTunes has an unlimited download plan.

white rose boy- nothing beats a good stolen merchandise purchase.

cracked chancla- It doesn't take a whole lot to make my eyes water, but I've only actually had tears flow a couple of times and it happened TWICE during this movie.

cad- I got a samsung with 2GB of memory and a color display... it's enough memory for my needs, yet I'm already going through scenerios in my head of how I could justify the 30gb video IPOD purchase.

jhd- I'm seriously worried about where this is going to take me... I've been searching the net looking at the 30-60GB players even though I have no need for it.