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Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Here is something that nobody warned me about when I decided to get married: Having to negotiate with your wife so that you can be allowed to spend your own money.

I had no idea that would happen… It’s not that I’m NOT allowed to spend my money, I just get a bunch of shit if I spend it on something she doesn’t deem worth while… Stuff like video games, Cds, DVDs, Fantasy Baseball, Sports Jerseys, you know- the only kind of things I want to spend my money on.

I mentioned in my last post about the bonus I received in my check on Friday… Well I “forgot” to mention that to my wife.

Now, after watching college basketball all weekend I decided that I HAVE to buy the new College Basketball game that came out last week. I had previously decided not to buy it, but now I NEED to buy it.

I also realized that when I buy it, I’m going to be subjected to 20 minutes of, “how are we ever going to save up for a house if you keep spending money on video games!”

So I decided to pull a play out of the George (the anti-Christ) Bush playbook and make a “pre-emptive” strike… I called up my wife and told her about the bonus. Then, in an effort to make it sound like I was being frugal, I told her- “Oh I decided that I’d only buy one a video game and then I’m putting the rest in the bank... I mean, we have to save some money if we‘re ever going to buy a house…”

I even offered to buy her this pair of sandals she’s had her eye on… Of course what she doesn’t realize is that I was going to put the entire bonus in the bank anyway, and she was never going to know about it… I had no idea I’d have to play these kinds of games once I was married- but I’ve learned to adapt… Was it a dirty trick I played? Damn right it was… But in this case the ends justify the means. I’ll be playing my game tonight in peace.

Here is this week’s Film Vault Tuesday:

Title: Great Expectations (1998)

Credits: Ethan Hawke, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert De Niro, Chris Cooper, Anne Bancroft

Why: Let me preface my review by saying I own 3 copies of the Dickens novel… Depending on what day you ask me, it’s either my favorite book or at least in my top 3. A lot of people that love the book have ripped this movie, but I’m not one of them.

I suppose you could argue that they shouldn’t have tried to make a bunch of changes to a classic book, but you‘d be wrong… The straight forward movie version of the book has been done several times and frankly- they all sucked.

Mainstream Hollywood puts out the same cookie cutter movies year after year. Sequels to crap… Safe movies over and over again…

Taking a book like Great Expectations and changing so much is as ambitious as it is original… That’s what makes movies fun.

And why make a Great Expectations movie if you’re not going to put your own spin on it?

I feel the same way about cover songs… Why cover a great song and try to make it sound like the original? For example, Aerosmith once did a revolting cover the Beatles “Come Together” and they tried to make it sound like the original version… Did they really think that they could make it sound better than the Beatles did? Assholes.

The important part was capturing the spirit and essence of Dickens’ novel, and I feel that they did that.

The Director (Alfonso CuarĂ³n- Y tu Mama Tambien) did an excellent job of making it all work… I’m not big on Gwyneth Paltrow but she was memorable in her role as Estella… and even though Ethan Hawke isn’t spectacular, he doesn’t fuck anything up either…

The real strength of the movie comes in the supporting roles which were absolutely nailed… De Niro’s screen time is very limited, but as expected he makes every second last… Also Anne Bancroft and Chris Cooper really shine.

The soundtrack is really strong and full of energy. There are a couple of scenes where it drives the movie.

Remote Stopper Scene: Obviously the scene everyone remembers is the De Niro in New York scene… but my personal favorite is a Chris Cooper scene about halfway through the movie. He plays Finn’s Uncle/Guardian Joe… When Finn finally gets his big break with a one man show at a SoHo art gallery, Joe makes a surprise appearance… Much like the Phillip Seymour Hoffman “Can I kiss you on the mouth” scene in Boogey Nights- Copper manages to make you feel several emotions all at once within the span of seconds.

Goosebump/Tear Factor: The above mentioned Cooper Scene makes the room get dusty… as well as the final scene, and the De Niro train scene.

Overall Rating: 8/10... I never understood why critics piled onto this movie with such anger… it has it’s flaws, it’s almost too ambitious, and it has some dead spots. But I fail to see how a movie that is SO well acted could be considered anything less than an 8.


sonrisa morena said...

AND that my blogger friend is why i think twice about marriage!!!! and that fact that i'm not dating anyone..heheheh
i've seen this movie but i don't remember much about it...must rent again!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, that's it . . .I'm turning off my tube for a week. Seriously, about every movie you mention I own! And this one, i own the soundtrack, dvd, and book. . .

If i got a nickel for every. . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey there!
This is one of my favorite movies as well. I own the DVD and Soundtrack. Both are spectacular... I love Tori Amos' first song on the soundtrack. LOVE IT. Great recommendation...

And as for your money goes... I think what you make is yours. I mean, and this is in my case, obviously every marriage is different. I don't work. And I don't expect my Hubby to tell me every amount of dime he makes. I trust him. He knows that. And when he gets a bonus, I know that he'll share what he wants with me. It's his money ya know? I love that I don't even have to ask or bug him to share with me. My husband goes out and buys games too... but I don't mind. He busts his @$$ for it. He deserves to go and buy games or go out with the buddies and have a beer. [Which he does, belive me! haha] No big deal... that's just me though. And that's not critizing your wife at all. We're all different. :-) Ya know what I mean?

Marriage isn't so bad! *hehe* I know you know that.

Have a good Tuesday!

Santiago said...

You know what Joel...Love is war. No one ever tells you about this. You have to sometimes use guerilla tactics. This was the same scenario for the first 2-3 years of my marriage. I had to argue about anything I purchased. This was until I realized that it was war. Depeche Mode coined it best in their song, The Policy of Truth. http://archives.depechemode.com/lyrics/policyoftruth.html

"Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through"

It does make me sad that it is like this, but we have no other recourse. Sorry, hermano.

Mick & Cathy said...

Hide your money, keep buying the DVD's, been a film critic is what you do well.

Cincysundevil said...

I saw this movie with an ex-g/f in college. She was absolutely bawling during the part where his uncle comes to visit at the gallery and Ethan Hawke yells at him. So later in the car, I feign ignorance and ask her about the part where the uncle comes to visit and as she starts to relate the scene, she starts bawling again! I'm such a jerk! But the movie wasn't bad; I really did like the DeNiro part; he was great in his role.

Wow, I guess I never thought about things like that in marriage. Hhhhmmm, I know I could easily blow through a bonus and have nothing to show for it other than a few CDs and a few more ball caps.

Joel said...

marie- the thing is, I wasn't going to spend it until I realized I had to buy a game... and then I came clean- sort of.
and yes I would be pissed if she got a bonus and didn't tell me... I won't even try to justify that I realize I'm a hypocrite.

sonrisa- the positives far out weigh the negatives... I guess.

cad- oh... I don't have the soundtrack... I might have to spend a little more of that bonus $

bonita in pink- my wife was never bad about the money issue up until recently when she decided we need to be homeowners, and she's right of course... it's like you say every woman has their own little issues.

Santiago- you explained it so much better than I did and it only took you two sentences... "love is war"... "You have to sometimes use guerilla tactics..."

White Rose Boy- I have cut my DVD buying back so much in the past couple of years... I might have to join a DVD club or something

Cincysundevil- I totally would do something like that to get a girl to cry so I could comfort her.

Anonymous said...

how could you not tell each other about money? that could lead to bigger problems. where is the team spirit? but hey i'm usually on the bitched at end justifying why i spent money here and there and encouraging him to spend more so i don't look so bad. but as you've learned now its not that you tell her its how you tell her. i see nothing wrong with it, i call it effective communication. but i would encourage you to focus on the house you can get all the games later.

Joel said...

chancla- while saving for a house is the practical and intelligent thing to do, it does not however satisfy my craving for instant gratification.

Msabcmom said...

There are many reasons why I wish that I was married or in a relationship but I have to tell you - when it comes to $ issues, I am glad to be a free agent! I just got my tax refunds and I plan on saving a good chunk of it but I also plan on having a bit of fun too! :-)