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Thursday, January 08, 2009

News & Issue

Yesterday I posted about some changes being made to FITS but due to technical difficulties I had to scrap everything last night and start from scratch this morning. But now we're good to go... I think.

Basically the changes are: [1] There is now a new option for the way you can get here. If you're tired of typing the cumbersome ".blogspot" into the URL, you don't have to anymore. You can now get here by simply typing: FartingInTheShower.com. Of course the old way still works just fine. Change [2] is the header obviously. I have a couple different options but this is the one I want to go with for now. Let me know what you think in the poll when you get a chance. I had a couple of crappier versions yesterday and Moe Greene was honest enough to let me know, "those new headers really suck" and I appreciate that.

I'll be back later today with normal posting.


Anonymous said...

i like typewriter fonts. but i would like to see all the options before voting. any way of making that happen? am i asking for too much.

Unknown said...

Ooh, I agree - I want options!

Teresa said...

options would be good.

Joel said...

Okay guys, I'm going to try an get a list of options to you next week, then you can vote on the best, and of course I anyone would like to submit their own entry I'd be open to that as well.