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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Back to the Point

From my journal, 1/6/09:

I’m sitting in the food court of Union Station right now finishing off a plate of over priced Chinese. This is one of my favorite spots in the city for people watching and I thought it would be an excellent place for me to write my first journal entry of 2009.

I was reading the blog entry I wrote a little over a year ago when I decided to start keeping this journal and it became apparent how far from the point I’ve strayed from my original intentions… not that I could explain exactly what those intentions were, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t to document my romantic longings for each and every girl that catches my eye- which is essentially what this journal has become… So with that thought in mind I decided to come to Union Station and jot down some of my brilliant prose and witty observations of passers by. The only problem is I’ve spent my entire time here eye fucking the bevy of attractive women that have all decided to make their lunch spot within distraction distance of my table.

In between bites of lo mein noodles I keep debating the strengths and weaknesses of potential conversation starters I could use on one of these ladies. I’m optimistic enough to contemplate what to say but pessimistic enough not to follow through on any of my ideas.

So much for changing the direction of this journal… Maybe next year.

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