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Friday, February 05, 2010

52 Weeks

I'd like to say I have a good excuse for my absence, but I don't... My first inclination is to blame school but the truth is that from early December up until about 2 weeks ago I was on winter break.

For normal college students winter break means you go back home, go out every night, hit a lot of parties, sleep with girls who were too prudish to put out in High School but just spent the Fall semester having their moral beliefs compromised and tossed aside by drunken frat guys and are now suddenly more than willing.

Its not quite the same when you're a 30 year old married student with a full time job and bills. I spent my break falling asleep on the couch at 9 pm after a marathon Xbox 360 sessions. I had planned on blogging, taking lots of pictures, and making at least a half dozen road trips... the result was no blog posts, a moderate amount of pictures, and one road trip... although it was a long trip all the way to Houston.

Now that school is back in swing full force and my free time has been severely crippled, I figure its time to try start blogging again!

Anyway, I've been really getting into a type of photography called "Strobist" which basically involves setting up a couple of flashes to create the kind of lighting you want in whatever in any situation. Its a cheap and fun way to add some creativity to you photographs, and because you're the one controlling the lighting conditions, there aren't really valid excuses not to be able to shoot.

My plan is to take at least one "Strobist" shot a week for the next 52 weeks. A lot of people do projects where they shoot one shot a day, but lets be realistic here, we're into February and I'm just now making my first blog post of 2010! To make things worse, I'm attempting to take a full schedule for the first time since going back to college. One shot a week will be plenty.

Here's my shot from week one:

Its Gonna Be a Long Semester

I set up one flash to the right of the camera and one is sitting on the keyboard to try and simulate the light from the laptop.

I'll keep posting my Project 52 updates here on FITS, but you can always check out my Flickr to see what other mediocre crap I've been putting out. I put a link on the side of the blog. I'm going to try and have the updates come out every weekend so they'll be up for Monday, but don't hold me to that because we all know how I am about commitments!


Anonymous said...

whoa, that's a lot of school books....but the self-portrait is cool.

cindylu said...

well at least now we know you're not lying in a ditch somewhere with a flask at your side...

nice pic!

cad said...

i personally dig the 40 on top of the ethics book.