...Got a request for a movie or fast food item you'd like to have reviewd? Or maybe just something to say? Drop a note in the chatbox on the side column...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Confess...

It's time for a confession... But before you get your hopes up, this is not a new installment of the Confession Awards. No, its just time for me to admit to myself and to you all that I officially have writer's block. I am completely uninspired and unimaginative as writer right now.

Seriously, I have NO idea what to write about. I haven't for months. Its basically what caused my semi-annual flame out and subsequent hiatus over the summer. I have nothing to say. I used to be able to sit down at the keyboard and figure out what I wanted to say, as I was typing it. But those days are behind me now.

Fortunately, this sort of thing works in cycles and I know that, in all likelihood, I'll get my mojo back... eventually.

But here's the rub... This writer's block only seems to apply to my writing on this blog. I have no problem writing for Cadography (which I LOVE doing btw), and I have no problem writing in school, or anywhere else for that matter. But I for whatever reason, I can't write for me.

So my solution for the problem is simple... I'm going to write for you!

Here's how its going to work: You guys are going to give me topics you'd like to see me ramble on about, and then I'll narrow that list down to two or three topics for a final vote. This will accomplish 3 things. [1] I'll be able to write something worthwhile, [2] it will buy me some time to maybe get past this writer's block, and [3] I'll be able to blame YOU if the topics stink!

So anyway, ask not what this blog can do for you, but what you can do for this blog... leave your topic(s) in the comment section.


HispanicPundit said...

hmmm...here are a couple id find interesting:

1. What advice would you give to someone newly or contemplating marriage...what makes marriages work?

2. What is the meaning of life?

3. How do you solve inner city poverty?

4. What would you do if your son was into sports but you were not...would you still go to his games? What if you REALLY hated sports?

5. If you could one power of three, with the three options being:

A. Being able to be completely invisible (I know, how would you see - just pretend you COULD)

B. Being able to read other peoples minds...though not manipulate their thoughts.

C. Being able to manipulate other peoples thoughts...though NOT read their minds (for example, you can force someone to "Want to buy you dinner etc)

Why that power over others?

6. Are you a boobs or an ass guy...and why?

7. Pepsi or Coke?

I can think of more...but this is a good start.

cad said...

1. 10 years ago where did you see yourself at this age? Best case, worst case.

2. 10 best albums, and why.

3. If you could meet anyone famous or name worthy, dead or alive, fictional or real...who would that be?

4. Why haven't you blocked HP from your blog yet?

that's all i got...

Teresa said...

How about you give us a rambling and eclectic mix of short stories, embarrassing confessions, and reviews of fast food and out of date movies.

Joel said...

so that wasn't exactly the overwhelming response from the Shower Farting Nation I had hoped for, but there are some really good ideas there.

HP: not all of these ideas are their own posts, but I will answer every one of these questions at some point. I think #1 and #4 will get their own post, and I'll tackle the other answers in one rambling post... although I must admit, I could probably pump out a good 10,000 words easily on #6, but everyone but you and Moe Greene (you know, if he still read my blog) would be offended and disgusted, including myself.

1) I've actually wanted to write that post for a couple of years now, and eventually I will... its such an important part of who I am now that when I do write that story, I want it to be good enough to where I can go back and read it later and not have any regrets about how it was written or what was said. I'll get there eventually.

2) The problem with that is, I could write that list today and it would look totally different than it would look a month from now... only there would always be this written record of how embarrassingly bad my list was floating around the internet for years to come... that scares me.

3) are they actually going to want to talk to me? I've never really had a great desire to meet people I admire or that fascinate me because I know they'll only disappoint me. I'd love to meet Noam Chomsky, and I conceivably could, he speaks all over the country and gladly shakes hands and signs books and all that crap after his talks, but what would I get out of that? I'd spend hours preparing what I wanted to say or ask him, then I'd get there and be tongue tied and pathetic and he'd give me some short, curt answer, and I'd feel like a jerk. Then I'd be left with a signed copy of the book sitting on my bookshelf for the rest of my life to remind me of the uncomfortable 45 seconds I shared with Noam Chomsky.

BUT if your question means that I'd get quality time with the person and that they would, for some reason, actually be engaging and eager to answer my questions, well thats a different story.

Alive- the above referenced Mr. Chomsky... Mike Tyson... Nick Hornby... Bill CLinton... Scarlett Johanson's boobs, and Kim Kardassian's ass .

Dead- Che Guevara, Bobby Kennedy, Moe Berg, Richard Nixon, and Pablo Escobar.

Fictional- Chuck from Cast Away, Kevin Arnold, Carlito Brigante, and Appolonia from the Godfather.

4) because who else would ever ask me to write an entire post on Boobs vs Asses?

Teresa- oh god, that would make one awful blog!

Unknown said...

Aw...I've gotten out of the habit of checking your blog daily and just saw this post. But I will fully admit that I did check your blog daily for WEEKS after you signed off, hoping you'd come back. So I blame you!

My favorite blog posts have been film vaults, stories of weird/interesting events that have happened to you, ramblings from your morning commute (like when you got your journal), and the short stories that give an almost voyeuristic peek into your every day life (because if nothing else, the internet is great for spying on people). So I'm useless at suggesting topics because I don't know what you'll think about during your commute or what weird thing happened to you last night.

Oh, and I LOVED life in the fast food lane. I love food in general.

Joel said...

lauren- thanks for the kind words, and yes it is totally my fault that people dont check in everyday... I'm a total flake, and I have diva meltdowns and dramatic exits and poorly thought out combacks and can never seem to stick to a set schedule even though I know that a schedule is one of the MOST important parts to writing a blog that people will actually read... but I'd probably be less entertaining if I was a normal functioning humanbeing as opposed to the unmedicated bipolar nut job I actually am. So yes, its my fault but on the bright side, I do feel like the imaginary Novocain that's been numbing the left side of my brain the past couple of months is starting to wear off.... you know, just in time for the holiday season when NOBODY reads blogs because they're busy shopping and worrying about having to spend time with their god awful families.

Brian said...

I was hoping that you'd discuss the difference between the American dollar and Japanese Yen.

Nessykins said...

Yay! random question time...HUZZAH


If you were a monkey what kind of monkey would you be?

Did you hear about the lady that went on Oprah that was attacked my a chimpanzee? If so, what is your opinion?

What is the nastiest thing a woman has ever done to you?

Why can't asian people drive??!?!?


why are men whorish?