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Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Crush and The Chili-Burger Update

Yesterday I decided to try the Chili-Cheeseburger that Moe so strongly recommended to me and I'll give you my opinion on that in a minute but first I'm going to address the saga of my crush.

The great philosopher and human behaviorist Chris Rock probably summed up Man's ability to remain committed in a monogamous relationship best when he said "Men are as faithful as their options."

Obviously that's a very simplified explanation to a complicated issue but the fact remains, he was basically right. Truer words have never been spoken by a comedian.

As Rock went on to say (and I'm going to paraphrase here so as not to offend anyone), "the best a married man can do is to stop chasing [women]."

Take for example, my metro crush... I get on the metro. I sit patiently reading my book... The metro stops... My crush gets on... She walks past me and I look... We make eye contact... She knows I'm looking at her... She knows why I'm looking at her... She gives a slight grin and blushes... She wants me to know, that she knows I'm looking, and that she likes it... This is the human mating dance. In the world of dogs I imagine this would be the equivalent of sniffing each others asses.

There is a Spanish saying that goes: "Casado pero no capado", which means: "Married but not castrated." As sleazy as that sounds, it's honest... You can put a ring on my finger but I'm still going to have those urges.

Thousands of years of raw male instinct implores me to get up from my seat and pursue my crush until we end up in a sweaty post-coital embrace in the bed of some seedy motel room... All rational thought in my head comes to a screeching halt... "Lets Get it On" plays in my mental jukebox... The words splashed across the pages of my book are suddenly written in Chinese... I'm not much better than the ass sniffing dog.

But since I'm trying to be a halfway decent husband I choose to ignore my instincts and I instead remain in my seat. All I can do is stare longingly at my crush while she wonders "why aren't you pursuing me?"

And so it goes... I hate myself for having such dirty thoughts of infidelity and yet I hate myself for not acting on those same dirty thoughts. Suddenly I find myself thinking strange things like "Would it be stalking if I showed up at this woman's work?" or "Would I be betraying my marriage if I made out with this strange woman on the train every morning for the next decade or so?"

I now understand how the President of the United States can end up in a deposition video nervously sipping a Diet Coke and asking questions like "what is the legal definition of the word 'is'?" And trying to make a bizarre argument that getting a BJ in the Oval Office didn't constitute sexual relations because he wasn't touching her.

"Casado pero no capado..."

At any rate... I've decided that I won't be heading to my crush's McDonald's anytime soon but just know that I really want to... and that its not my fault.

But let's forget about marriage and human nature for a minute so we can discuss what we all really care about... Chili-Cheeseburgers!

I stopped by Checkers yesterday and picked up a couple of those burgers Moe has been raving about... [Of course I had the Chili-Cheese Fries and a bladder busting bucket of Coke as well]

And while it certainly wasn't the best burger I've ever had, it was pretty damn good... And when you factor in the bargain basement price of just $1, it can't be beat! I've had just about every Dollar Menu item at every fast food restaurant that you can think of and this is by far the best deal going.*

So I've decided to make Checkers a weekly event on my calender because, in addition to the Chili covered burger and fries, there was a very shapely young woman with big moist lips and a tongue ring working the register!

"Casado pero no capado."

*The only Dollar Menu item that even compares was the old McDonald's Chicken Biscuit which used to be a dollar until McD's decided to get greedy and change the name to the "Southern Chicken Biscuit" and double the price. They did slightly upgrade the quality of the chicken, but still I'd rather pay $1 for the old school chicken biscuit... The change ruined my mornings to the point that I contemplated cutting McDonald's out of my life completely until they started this free Coke Glass give away with any purchase of a Large Value Meal... (Thanks for the glass but I was going to order a Large Value Meal anyway, suckers!)


Brian said...

McDonald's Sweet Tea is the best $1 menu option available. Anywhere. Period.

I'm glad you liked the burger. For $3, it's not something you have to have. For $1, it's unforgivable if you don't.

Anonymous said...

I agree...Sweet Tea...Yum!

E Rich said...

Sorry but sweet tea is the most vile substance ever concocted by man.

I'm gonna start the debate of which fast food establishment reigns supreme. Here are my top 3 in order:

1- Sonic
2- Doesn't matter, Sonic is amazing
3- Doesn't matter, Sonic is amazing

Joel said...

I write:

"Thousands of years of raw male instinct implores me to get up from my seat and pursue my crush until we end up in a sweaty post-coital embrace in the bed of some seedy motel room..."

the responses:

I like sweet tea, or I don't like sweet tea...

this has been the most disappointing day in the history of my blog... unless you count any of the roughly 90 straight days where I didn't post anything.

I will now head to the Senate buffet to drown my sorrows in mac & cheese casserole and grilled salmon. I'm going to try and eat myself to death if they'll let me.... and for the record, the Sweet Tea is really good there.

Brian said...

Eric - go eat a cheeseburger before you start bashing sweet tea.

I'll end you.

E Rich said...

Joel- Yes, that was a very eloquent way of putting that this random woman gives you a chubby. Chase her, win her over, take her to a $2 dinner at Checkers. Sorry I didn't comment on the right thing.

Moe- I would eat my weight in Cheeseburgers before I let one drop of sweet tea hit my lips.

Brian said...

Eric - Your lips will come in contact with Coach K's lips before you eat two cheeseburgers, let alone 720 quarter pounders.

Anonymous said...

I love tea..period...Sweet, not sweet...
But I really prefer......"dirty bong water", "Italian Surfe", or a "Blowjob".....Yeah...

Hello my name is A.D. and I am a alcoholic...BUT I AM A FUN ALCOHOLIC! LOL!

Santiago said...

It is funny you should mention this post at the same time I posted mine. Well...not at the same hour but the same day. Still well put.

"Casado pero no capado"

Unknown said...

I like sweet tea. I also like when Brian does cheeseburger math.

HispanicPundit said...

Preach on brother! The whole time I was reading your post, I was nodding my head in agreement. Let me give you some background: For most of the past six years I have been completely single. No girlfriend, no commitment, nada. Just a single engineer with lots of single engineering friends who would continuously go out on the town and party. Throughout the years I have collected a respectable list of, shall we say, "female friends". Whether its a simple movie companion, or someone I could call at 2am after many beers for great philosophical dialogue, they were there. But fast forward to a few months ago and I find out that my girlfriend, who had heretofore lived throughout our relationship in Las Vegas, is pregnant. Yes, Pregnant! So she moves in, a few months pass, and I start to feel the pressure to do the right thing...shotgun wedding and all. But its all soo difficult. When I go out clubbing, get a few drinks in me, the urge to hit the speed dials is OVERWHELMING. I've resorted to deleting the numbers from my phone so that I can better protect myself in weak moments. I don't know how committed couples do it. Especially those with high opportunity costs. Some say that it gets easier with time, but, physically, that seems counterintuitive to me.

Don't get me wrong, my girl is a good girl. Meets almost all of my "must haves" in a woman. The pregnancy, though it rushed things, probably resulted in where we were headed towards anyway (@ 35+ though, not 32ish!!). So its not her...its me. I've never realized how difficult this whole commitment thing is for a guy, especially in, as I tell my friends, "the age for single men". I mean, if this was the 1950's, well shit, it probably wouldn't have been that hard. After all, my opportunity cost would be really low. Aside from my wife, the only people I could mess around with were probably prostitutes or that occasional cheating wife. Hardly a tempting situation for a guy. But post sexual revolution of the 1960's (the greatest thing to happen for men), it becomes very difficult. Overwhelming sometimes.Atleast for me...but maybe I've just been corrupted?

Joel said...

HP- my god, I don't know where to begin... first of all, wow! when did all this happen? I realize that your blog is political but you might have mentioned all the developments that happened! or perhaps you did and I missed them. I check out your blog usually once a week and read your daily quotes, but I certainly don't remember any of that.

But anyway, yes, deleting dangerous phone numbers is an unfortunate but necessary step... I've done it on numerous occasions and then cursed myself for doing it, only to later be glad I did it...

And it doesn't matter how good of a woman your wife is, you're still going to have to fight off the cheating urges several times per week. I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but it doesn't. I'm sorry to have to tell you that... I almost think it's harder! at first your in that honeymoon bliss where you're so in love and committed, but once the new car smell of that wedding ring wears off you'll be more tempted than now.

HispanicPundit said...

I don't think I have ever mentioned this publicly. Your blog just touched a nerve...like it was directed towards me. :-)

I do have hope though...my girl really takes care of me and with each passing day, I gain more willpower. Who knows...I might just be man enough to do it...

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I believe sex drive diminishes with too much work and general life exhaustion. Let daily toil drain the sap out of you for years and it'll get easier.

cindylu said...

HP's comment is a bunch of bullshit. Engineers don't party and acquire lots of female friends!

You do know that this fidelity thing isn't easy for women either, right? I expected it to be easy, but then I was in a long term relationship. Dude, it was a challenge. I might have not been stalking a crush at his place of work, but I had them. I don't know if I'll ever stop with the crushes.

Joel said...

HP-"Farting in the Shower" is proud to be the official source for breaking news in the world of HP!

But seriously although it certainly has some disadvantages (most of which have been discussed at length in this post) the positives in a stable marriage far out weigh the annoyance of the occasional temptation.

I wish you the best of luck, and even though you are a Republican, I know that deep down you're a still a decent, thoughtful human being. :-)

you'll get this monogamy thing figured out.

Regina- I hope you're wrong. I'd like to conquer my fidelity issues without losing my sex drive... although I doubt it's possible.

Cindylu- I thought about you and all your well documented crushes as I wrote the post. I'm not naive enough to think that all women are immune to temptations, just my wife!

sonrisa morena said...

I haven't read anybody's post in a while and boy how things change!!! HP's news really surprised me!!! Congrats dude!!

So anywho, just yesterday i was waiting for my co-worker at an ice cream place. I was seating outside when this guy parks his truck close by. I was reading a book...The Zahir, i totally recommend it!!...when he comes over and starts talking me. asking me what i was reading and blah blah blah. my phone rings and he asks if its my boyfriend i said no. and he smiles we start talking about we do for a living and blah blah blah. apparently he was delivering some stuff at the ice cream shop. So he finishes doing his deliveries, comes over, we talk some more then he says good bye. As he drives away he honks and waves good bye. As he leaves, i was thinking "this guy must be in a committed relationship and really cares for the girl" he was totally flirting with me yet didn't ask for date or a number. Why am i telling you this? you're post just confirmed my thought. either that or the guy is gay and i totally missed it!!!!....heehehehhehehehe...still working on my self-esteem :-)

BTW, you and santis have sooooo much in common!!!

Anonymous said...


i hate u.

in the most nicest way ever.


Btw, girls are not all saints. . like u needed this note to realize this. We're all human with human needs and attractions. It's normal. What makes you even more normal is that you don't pursue b/c the difference between you and a dog is you have a conscious. them not so much so.

i think this is one of those things that remind us how unfair life is and how we should all stop being christians, move to japan, and have open relationships like they do.


i kid.