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Monday, June 02, 2008

A Lesson Not Learned

My much anticipated (by me) return to academia began over the weekend. Without boring you with all the details I'll simply rehash the basics... I'm going to be spending just about every weekend of my summer in a class room. 8 hours every Saturday and 8 hours every Sunday. It's kind of like an academic jihad only in the end I probably won't achieve martyrdom and I certainly don't expect to find 72 virgins on the campus of George Mason University... Really, my goal is to make sure that I'm really ready to commit to this whole 'back to school' thing. Why I needed to sacrifice my entire summer to figure that out is now unclear to me...But like most of the questionable decisions I've made in my lifetime the only defense I'm left with is the age old axiom, "it made sense at the time."

But this post isn't really about me going back to school (or sharing a book on Saturday with a loose moralled 23 year old coed that looks like she just stepped off of a page from Maxim magazine!). I only brought it up because spending all that time in a classroom this weekend led me to make a really bad decision today...

When my alarm clock began it's screeching wail this morning, my body simply didn't want to respond. I had had no weekend. No chance to sleep in. I had been robbed of the relax and recharge time I have grown to depend on.

I'm not really a coffee drinker but I knew my body wasn't going to voluntarily get me through the day. I needed to drug myself with caffeine if I hoped to make it to work. Unfortunately, at the hour my day begins, Starbucks isn't open.

So I went... to a gas station...

Some of you can probably see where this is going.

I walked into the gas station, went back towards the drinks and grabbed the biggest bottle of Mocha Frappuccino I could find. As I made my way to the register I tried my best to avoid the pre-assembled breakfast biscuits sitting so invitingly under the heat lamp... believe me, I tried.

But as I waited in line I caught a whiff of sausage and cheese... Mmmmm... My stomach began to growl... Suddenly, my eyes were watching in horror as my hands picked up two biscuits and placed them on the counter next to the frappuccino. "What the fuck are you doing?!" the rational but often ignored voice in the back of my head pleaded.

You've probably forgotten by now, but this is the exact same scenario that led to me doing my patented half walk/half jog- "walg" into a McDonald's bathroom back in November of 2007, where I narrowly avoided shitting myself... Same gas station... Same drink... Same sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits... Same result? That remains to be seen. I feel okay right now, but of course last time this ended so poorly that I not only wrote about it, but I ended the post with this piece of advice:

"The lesson of course is- never, EVER stop at a gas station for breakfast…"

Hopefully this won't end with any unfortunate "walging" incidents. But if it does, I'll deserve it... Unlike signing away my entire summer so I could decide if I really wanted to go back to school, I can't even say that this decision "made sense at the time".


It is 1:17 pm, Eastern Standard Time. I've been to the bathroom 3 times in the past hour. I never had to "walg" but that was only because the bathroom is less than 20 feet from my office.

I hate myself.


Mick & Cathy said...

Gee I can't believe you are going back to school (although I admire you for it), my friend did that about 6 years ago (got the company to pay) to do a engineering degree.
I couldn't do it, when I finished college at 21 I just never wanted to go back, I'd had enough.

Can't believe you didn't learn your lesson last time you ata food from that place, sounds like they want reporting to the health people.

Happy shits.

Santiago said...

I want to go back to school. Yeah I am still alive. lol. I just can't seem to get myself together to go. My company will pay for it too. I am thickheaded. Besides, I don't have the time.

Sorry about not learning your lesson. I have done the same in various situations. Most of the time is with alcohol or relationships.

Anonymous said...

back to school, eh? Wow, i'm going to start confusing you for HP. LOL

I'm not even a tad bit jealous.

I woke up SOOOO late on sunday. JEALOUS MUCH?!

I'm glad the three trips weren't 10. hehe

cindylu said...

A few days ago, a fellow friend in grad school told me, "if I ever take another class, kick me in the face." I won't kick him in the face, of course. But I think taking a class is a bad enough idea. I can't fathom taking any more classes... and I like(d) school.

Glad you made it through the day alive. I swear, as I read this I was like, "oh no, Joel. Don't eat the biscuit!!!"

sonrisa morena said...

Wow, you're going back to school!!! Thats great!!! I myself couldn't do it anymore. The thought of sleepless nights and having to think about writing papers...just thinking about it gets me anxious. I also wouldn't be able to give up my weekends...i'm sorry, i'm very very happy for you ;-) you can do it!!!