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Tuesday, February 19, 2008


As you may or may not have noticed, I took off from the blog last week... I just didn't have the energy.

My brother in law was in El Salvador and so I was helping out at the store every night after I got done my real job... I didn't mind helping, although I was a little jealous that he was there and I wasn't. I was supposed to be there for la feria this year but it fell through (see crazy jealous wife). There is another trip planned in June that I might be able to go on, but it will mean missing at least 3 weeks of work... We're supposed to take a couple of cars to leave down there, and of course this means driving all the way through Mexico, and Guatemala. And driving at night in Mexico is a not a good idea so we'd only be able to drive during the day and that takes forever... we'll see. a ver que dice la esposa, I haven't mentioned it yet.

A couple of highlights from my week and a half at the store:

-El Coyote phone cards are a distant memory. They've been replaced by cards that feature half naked sweaty women with names like: Diva, La Morenita, and La Fresca... they usually have crappy rates but horny men buy them 2 or 3 at a time... go figure... men are pigs...

-Speaking of men being pigs, some woman came in one night looking for a job. She was wearing a tube top that left nothing to the imagination. It wasn't a very appropriate way to dress while looking for a job, but after talking with her for a couple of minutes it became clear that she was basically marketing her only asset(s)... Anyway, despite her lack of actual qualifications I was all set to give her a job interview in the back of the store when I remembered: 'This isn't my store and I can't hire anybody!'

I think the moral of the story is that I shouldn't be in charge of hiring people. Cause I would have hired that woman on the spot and I'm sure would have ruined the store and possibly my marriage within a couple of months, and for all I know she probably couldn't even count to 100 let alone figure out how to work the register... But like I said, we're pigs...

-Valentines Day wasn't easy... I was working all day and Morena had to work that night... When I got home all I wanted to do was go to bed and sleep, but instead I decided to try and stay up and wait for her to get home. With the help of a couple Heinekens I was able to not only stay up, but I surprised both her and me with a serenade of one of her favorite songs, Mi Credo by K-Paz de la Sierra*:

Sin ti yo no soy el mismo
eres mi credo pedazo de cielo
Abrasame fuerte !!! (I got really into this part apparently, I'm sure the neighbors loved it)
Mi trebol de buena suerte
Prefiero morir junto a ti
Al no verte

I'd like to believe that I was able to sound just like the late Sergio Gómez, but something tells me that my performance wasn't quite on par.

So anyway, that's why I was gone last week. But I'm back now.

* Here's a link to the "Mi Credo" video... I'm not really a big fan of Duranguense music per se, but I love this song... it helps if you play the volume as loud as you can stand it, and of course adding in enough alcohol to poison a small elephant doesn't hurt either!


cindylu said...

Aw, I love it when guys sing for me. Not that it happens very often. But the last time it happened it made my head spin. Wait, the head spinning might have been caused by something else. Um...

Anonymous said...

I reckon you should have given that poor misguided girl the job lol.

Santiago said...

lol. I would have given the job to her anyway. I am sure your brother-in-law would not have minded. In addition, figured out a way to get her to agree that I could only pay her in chiclets. lol.

Oh yeah never figured you would be into Duranguense music. It is catchy. hehe.

Anonymous said...

joel singing duranguese? *intrigued*

and your driving all the way to el salvador? whoah.

sonrisa morena said...

aaawww, you sang to morena?!?!?!? i'm not a fan of that type of music but i'm sure it was beautiful and wonderful!!!

sonrisa morena said...

aaawww, you sang to morena?!?!?!? i'm not a fan of that type of music but i'm sure it was beautiful and wonderful!!!

Joel said...

cindy- my head was spinning as I sang... generally, I have to be in a head spinning state before I do that.

mick- or at least a private interview

santiago- I'm not really into that music, but my wife was listening to that song a lot recently and it kinda grew on me.

chanclita- I still havent decided about that drive... we'll see.

sonrisa- now we've got our anniversary coming up tomorrow and I have no idea how to top the singing... maybe I should have held it back.

Brian said...

Strip. Tease.

Not only does she want it, we all want it.