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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mugging for the Camera

I’m a firm believer that everyone is "innocent until proven guilty”… I believe that everyone has the right to a fair trial, and that we should wait until all the facts have been presented before passing judgment… I believe in all that bullshit, but still, every now and then I see a mug shot and immediately think: “GUILTY!”

Let's face it, sometimes it’s just way more fun to make rash uninformed decisions based on a picture, than waiting for insignificant details like: "the facts."

So with that theme in mind I’d like to share with you all a collection of some of my favorite mug shots collected over the years from The Smoking Gun… so anyway, I don’t know what any of these people are accused of, but as far as I’m concerned- they’re all guilty!

These Guy Have to be Sex-Offenders, Right?:

I know these people are all guilty because their shirts give them away:

Two of my All-Time favorites:

And finally... just hot girls:


Santiago said...

OMG...they did it. LOL!! These are some crazy shots.

Unknown said...

My favorite is the oompa loompa man, although that last girl looks pretty proud of herself.

sonrisa morena said...

you are too freakin' funny!!!!

cindylu said...

That $100 tattoo guy has some interesting eyebrows. They're sooo clean. And that's all I have to say about that.

Anonymous said...

okay the hot girls. . .REALLY? come on now. They need mary j blige and oprah's makeup artists and my photoshopping skills even then...MAYBE...lol

the tshirts..bwahahaha

the green hair...priceless

Joel said...

santiago- guilty!

lauren- damn right she's pleased with herself, did you see her boobs!

sonrisa morena- you're back!

cindylu- good call on the eyebrows, I never noticed that. I guess I was preoccupied with the adams apple tattoo and gold teeth

cad- give me some credit, do you know hard it is to find a mug shot where a girl looks hot? those are as good as it gets.

Mick & Cathy said...

A few shady charactors there.