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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

iPods and Grasshoppers

Well… I have finally concluded my exhaustive 5 week Mp3 player research process. On Saturday I bought the 80 gb iPod “Classic” as planned… I went with the Black. Thanks to everyone who voted.

I spent all day Saturday staring at it in awe like a pot head watching HDTV for the first time… I’m absolutely in love… I’ll put up some pictures of the two of us together sometime this week. We make a happy couple.

But as happy as I am with the iPod, I have a more important matter to get to. A lot of people who read this blog are of Mexican descent, and I have a question for them, but first I’ll give the background story…

My wife’s best friend threw a party for her boyfriend Jose on Saturday night… Jose is Mexican… We get along very well. I think maybe because everyone in our social group is from El Salvador aside from the two of us, we formed a bond of sorts.

At most parties we end up somewhere in the back drinking and talking soccer… He’s a great guy… and like I said, it was his birthday party. His brothers were in town to help set the whole shindig up. They set up a table of food from their home state of Oaxaca.

Everything was going smooth until Jose (the boyfriend) pointed to some bowl at the back of the table and asked if I had tried any of what was in it… From across the room it looked like some sort of dried leaves or seasoning.

He walked over to the table and picked up the bowl. He had a devilish grin on his face as he brought it over to me… It was a bowl of fried grasshoppers!

I thought it was some kind of joke, but to my horror Jose scooped up a whole handful and threw them into his mouth like they were chips! All the Salvadorans were staring in disbelief, and of course all the Mexicans were howling with laughter.

For the rest of the night every time a Mexican went to the food table all the Salvadorans would stop what they were doing and watch to see if they put and grasshoppers on their plate… and sure enough many of them did!

Jose spent most of the night trying to dare people into trying them, but nobody was brave enough... Finally he talked some poor kid into eating five of them for $20. I thought for sure the kid would throw up but to my amazement he munched them all down as everyone cheered him on… He told me later that they weren’t that bad but he wouldn’t do it again for less than $40.

So anyway, that’s my story… I guess my question to my Mexican friends out there is basically, you know, what’s up with the grasshoppers?


HispanicPundit said...

Hahahha...I never had them...though I have heard about them.

Did you try them? Come on Joel...you can tell us. :-)

Anonymous said...

i've seen them in huatulco, oaxaca, and veracruz. my dad freaked us all out by eating a handful. you couldnt pay me enough to try them!

odd though, my mom has a lot of family from oaxaca, but i've never seen it at parties. i've never seen them here in the states to be honest.

and considering they're popular so far south, i'm surprised the Salvadorians were freaked out and never heard of it.

Joel said...

jenn- well you're braver than I am

hp- I considered myself a pretty open minded eater, but on the "eating bugs" level... that's pretty much where my line is.

cad- I had no idea that bug eating even went on down there. Ive spent some time in Hidalgo and Vera Cruz and thank god I was never put in the position of eating bugs. My cousin's husband has some family in oaxaca I've never been there- and now that I know what might be waiting for me if I do go I'll tried to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

haha, you should totally do it. or just pretend too, hold it close to your mouth and snap a picture.

it'll give you something to blog about later! lol

Anonymous said...

my mother-in-law is from oaxaca and she gets her annual stash and cooks with them. i think they are called chicatanas? but don't quote me on that.

Joel said...

cc- you're wrong.... i think the technical name is "really fucking disgusting fried bugs"

cindylu said...

I've never tried chapulines.

I once accidentally tasted an ant. I didn't like the taste at all.

However, I would try a chapulín just for the experience.

And I looooove my iPod. I forget it's black because I have it in a case.