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Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Have a (Purse) Dream

Yesterday on my way home from work I saw a car accident... or I should say that I passed by two cars that had been in an accident. It was at a stop light and from what I could gather a work truck had been at the light waiting to make a left when it was rear ended by a Toyota Corrolla.

The Corrolla's license plate (and I swear to god this is true) said this:


My wife carries around a camera in her purse wherever she goes. I've often thought about what I would put in a purse were it ever to become socially acceptable for men to carry them... I now know that one of the first things on my list would be a digital camera because I've been terribly disappointed with myself for not being able to capture the image of that license plate ever since.

In addition to the camera I would probably carry my iPod, cell phone, wallet, moleskine, and PSP... I would carry a bunch of breathe mints too. I'm always running out, but if I had a big purse to tote around I could buy in bulk and not have to worry about the storage space... And pens too... I loose them constantly- a purse would solve that issue.

Having a purse is really one of the bigger advantages to being a woman I think. And it's not really even fair. Why/when/how was it decided that women would get to carry around a really convenient storage bag on their shoulders while men would have to rely on nothing but their pockets?

So guys, what would you put in your purse were purses to ever become socially acceptable? And ladies what do you carry in your purse?


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Besides the usual, I carry an assortment of digestive aids because my stomach thinks it's 70. And earplugs for noisy places like the el train (hmmm, maybe I am 70).

jennifer said...

your cellphone doesn't have a camera?

the staples in my purse are:

glasses case
cell phone
body shop vitamin E for lips
lipsticks (at least one, usually more)

sometimes i carry little snacks (like almonds) because i get cranky if i don't eat. :(

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend casually purchased a man purse as my Christmas gift last year. She called it a "messenger" bag. My sister took one look at it, and exclaimed, "It is a man-purse." The girlfriend told her Dad what she bought me, and he agreed that it was a purse as well. The "messenger" bag comes in handy on trips to carry around my cell phone, digital camera, books, and FOOD.

Unknown said...

Messenger bags are fully acceptable, and strangely attractive on a guy. Maybe this is the highschool-me talking, but there's something vaguely scenester about a guy with a messenger bag. Of course if you get a nice leather one, then it looks more purse-y than manly, but a canvas dickies deal wouldn't be bad.

Wallet, cell phone, camera, chapstick, three different kinds of headache medication, a silver permanent marker, red and green mini permanent markers, and lots and lots of hearing aid batteries.

Anonymous said...

now i'm all looking in my purse, let see, I have a small makeup bag, girlie toiletries, coin purse, wallet, sunglasses, headphones for my laptop, checkbook, sharpie, keys, starbucks reciept, business cards to hand out, bacardi grandmelon mints, cellphone, nano, and dental floss.

i carry a messenger bag daily too for my laptop and all my design files since i tend to work from home at times.

I dont usually carry my camera with me anymore, i need to start carrying my point and shoot with me, when i have shoots i usually carry only my camera bag since it's pretty big and it holds all the different lenses.

Joel said...

regina- do people look at you like you're nuts on the train when you stuff the ear plugs in? or is the el train just that loud that a lot of people do that?

jennifer- I'm pretty sure it does although I've never used it. Im an idiot for not thinking of it... I dont think I would be able to carry any snacks becasue I would eat them all in one sitting.

annonymous- I would have kept that annonymous too... although if it IS simply a messenger bag you might have a hot with Lauren.

Lauren- what's with all the markers?

Cad- my god you carry a lot of crap around all day! it must be an ordeal just to get from your car to the office... and what kind of a photographer doesn't carry a camera!?

Mick & Cathy said...

To be honest I manage with just my pockets to carry around most things I need (easier in winter when I have a coat on).
The only thing I would add is the Camera.

la rebelde said...

i think man-bags can look nice on men, so long as the strap is long enough and it works with their look. if the strap is too short and the purse hits at the waist or higher...not so cute. but that's just my two cents!

i usually carry wallet, glasses, cell, camera/book, pens, keys and a little bag with lip gloss and bandaids and stuff.

Anonymous said...

a uh, bad photographer? lol

Anonymous said...

um, i second the messenger bag. the hubby has resented my purse lately and is shopping around for something acceptable (i.e. manly) for him to carry his stuff around. my purse is an abyss of junk lately: victoria's secret mini-makeup kit, chocolate flavor lip gloss, like three wallets (because i never finished switching from the first, to the second, to the third) my camera, keys, aspirin, old birthday cards, pens that work and don't work, a target tote that folds up for when i go grocery shopping, a small notepad, pda, cell phone, a hole puncher... there's more if i reach in and dig around.