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Wednesday, November 07, 2007


After years of saying I would never succumb to the constant advertising and marketing tricks from Apple, I've decided to buy an iPod.

My Philips Mp3 player is just not getting the job done anymore, and after weeks and weeks of research I've come to the grim conclusion that despite all my denials, iPod is the best option on the market. All the other players out there are either ugly, unreliable, don't have enough space, or don't have enough quality accessories I crave.

There was a Sansa player that I kind of like but both of the people I know that have owned it have had major issues... At least with iPod you know what you're getting.

And while the prospect of paying $0.99 per song at iTunes sucks, at least I'll finally be getting access to all those podcasts and TV shows!

So call me a sellout, call me a sheep, I really have no defense... Baaaaaaa.

I've decided on the 80 gig, Ipod Classic... The idea that I can slap a dozen or so movies on it without hardly even making a dent in the storage space is just too tempting to pass up... Yeah those new Nano's are sexy but I don't want to find myself worrying about file space a few months down the road... it's a no brainer for me.

As some of you may remember, when I bought my last mp3 player I had narrowed the choices down two finalists: [1] the 30 gb Philips player, and [2] a Creative player that was basically the same as the Philips, only it had video capabilities and $75 cost increase...

Moe Greene and I went on a field trip to Best Buy to examine them both up close and make the purchase. We both agreed that the video feature was not worth the extra money and that I should buy the Philips player... which is what I did.

Two weeks later Moe went out and bought that Creative player... As we predicted, he never really had much use for the video option but just knowing he could do it and I couldn't drove me insane- which is why he bought the damn thing in the first place.

Anyway, when I told him last week that I was thinking about making the leap to iPod he was highly critical of the decision... I ended up sending him a very long winded email detailing my reasoning. His response was basically, "They're just not for me."

The next day he called me in route to Best Buy... he bought 80 gb Classic for himself and an 8 gb Nano for his wife. That's right, after saying he wasn't interested he went out and bought one before I could. He beat me to the punch. That bastard.

The only reason I didn't stab him neck the next time I saw him was because I wanted to check out the iPod of course. I didn't think he would let me hold the iPod with a steak knife lodged in his throat, so I had to pretend like my initial anger had passed... Once I had it in my hand it took me roughly 15 seconds to realize that I should have been using an iPod all along. The screen was beautiful, the picture was sharp, the menu layout was easy to navigate... I guess the 10 billion or so iPod users were right all along... fuck.
The only thing left for me to decide is the color... Moe's is black and it looks fabulous... But I think the silver one looks pretty decent as well- and it would be different than Moe's... So I've decided to solicit votes-
Silver or Black?:


Unknown said...

Ha. This is so great. I don't have any rational reason, but for some reason I am totally against getting an iPod. I drag around the same CD player I've had since middle school and I'm fine with it. But I can imagine that a power struggle with my arch-nemesis Brian would be the driving force to make me cave.

Brian said...

I'd go silver for the mere joy of knowing that you'll later regret the decision when you see my beautiful jet black player, again.

Joel said...

lauren- I was of the same mind set about ipods and any mp3 player for a long time until this happened... it's like when moe greene had never seen the Godfather and refused to watch it simply b/c I kept telling him he had to do it... then once he finally watched it he felt dumb for fighting it for so long. fuck his nickname is now Moe Greene for christ sake. you'll feel the same way about mp3 players/ipods one day- just like I did, and just like Moe did w/ Godfather... Id also like to point out that you didnt vote! it was only the point of the post!

moe- Im going to munch down an entire bag of cheetos and then touch all over your black ipod with my greasy cheese covered fat fingers!

jennifer said...

i was laughing out loud when i read the title of this post--iCave. brilliant. my vote for you is the black one. just don't get it confused with moe's.

Unknown said...

Hahaha I'm sorry!! Black. Definitely black. The silver looks like white which is so recognizable and played out.

Anonymous said...

First of all, after reading this post I'll have to officially agree with Brian - You would have shot him. No question. There's even a 50-50 chance he would have totally deserved it.

On to the task at hand: I like the look of the black one, but I've read that the black ones have a predisposed tendency for data corruption. For that reason I'd say you should get the silver one. Plus, fuck Brian. That's why.

Anonymous said...

the title tripped me out when i read it. YAY you're gonna go for it. I'd get the black. make sure to look at iSkin's so it wont scratch.

buy it from apple.com so you can engrave it on the back. that's so cool! :)

Joel said...

jennifer- thanks, iCave was actually the first 'i' related title I could think of and I sat at my desk trying to think of a better one for longer than I care to admit, but sadly I couldn't.

lauren- I actually like the white ones, even though they are played out, but they're not making white anymore for unknown reasons... looks like balck is going to win in a landslide.

mike- brian? ummm who's brian?

cad- based on your advice I went to the apple online store and previewd the engraving thing, and although it's free (and shipping is free as well too) I don't know if I can order an iPod and then wait for it in the mail... I need instant gratification! I need to feel the rush of sliding my debit card through the card reader and then taking a walk/runs through the parking lot to my car where I'll fumble with the wrapper like an 8 year old on christmas day... when you order something in the mail you think about it all day "i hope today is the day!" and then you speed home to find that it didn't arrive or that they couldnt deliver it b/c nobody was home... then you have go through the whole ordeal again the next day!

HispanicPundit said...

Definitely black! Come on now, silver?

I got my first ipod recently too. My old MP3 player, the Rio (which I bought because of the microphone, to record lectures at school), stopped working. And since I had decided to start riding my bicycle to work, an mp3 player was a must!

Then my laptop of 3+ years started acting up, so now I was in the market for one of those too. So when I saw a special on the apple website for students - a buy a discounted laptop AND get a free nano deal - it was too good to pass up. Long story short, I got the deal...happy with the nano, not so happy with the laptop. Moral of the story - stay with the mp3 player, don't buy into the mac fad. :-)

Mick & Cathy said...

I reckon go for the Silver.