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Monday, November 19, 2007

A Heart Racing Movie

So I went with some friends to see American Gangster over the weekend. I thought it was a very good film that fell a little short of being in the pantheon of the GREAT crime movies (Godfather I and II, Goodfellas, Carlito’s Way, etc…)

But Moe Greene on the other hand did think it was great a movie… So great in fact that he was willing to let it be the last movie he ever saw! Apparently he started having chest pains about halfway through the movie but neglected to say anything until we were leaving the theatre!

In my car he started grimacing in pain and was breathing heavier than Larry Craig in a San Francisco bath house… when he started to complain about numbness in his hands we decided it was time to take him to the hospital.

I was 75% sure he was having a heart attack… As our dear friend Lauren was kind enough to point out, if Moe were to die I would be just as much to blame for his death as his faulty heart because of my role in "The Last Supper".

For that reason --and other reasons that can probably go without being said-- I didn’t want this to be a heart attack.

And as it turns out it wasn’t! According to the doctor, Moe is just a pussy… of course that’s not the medical term he used. “…a severe case of acid reflux” is what he called it…whatever... In total we were only at the Hospital for like 2 hours.

Most people would view that as good news. You know, “thank god it wasn’t serious… I’m sure glad I didn’t die, etc.” But not Moe… When I talked to him the next day on the phone he was actually disappointed with the diagnosis… he would have been happier had it been a minor heart attack!

His reasoning: "It would have been less embarrassing and could have made for a better story than acid-reflux."

He has since theorized that he was having a minor panic attack along with the acid reflux… I don’t know if he really believes that or is just trying to save face… Regardless, I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt because well… I’m glad he didn’t die… We’re supposed to see “No Country for Old Men” in a couple of weeks.


Unknown said...

I totally forgot to mention this, but during the movie I noticed Brian squirming around and this evil little voice in the back of my mind wondered if he was going to poo. I was about 50/50 on whether I wanted that to happen or not.

Anonymous said...

hp would like to disagree with moe. i've been demoted from good movie review critic in his book.. . see.

I'm glad Moe is okay. Dude, that must have been some really bad acid reflex. What did you eat at the movie theater?

On another note, my brother went to Indiana this past summer and he said they dont serve hot dogs @ the movie theaters. So weird.

Joel said...

lauren- who is this "brian" you speak of?

had we not been riding in my car I would have been all for him [Moe Greene] having an accident.

cad- yeah I read that... obviously my review of the movie wasn't nearly as generous as your's was- I still respect your review skills... and we went to a chain mall restaurant in the mall called Red Robin before the movie. Moe and I basically ordered the same meal "whiskey river bbq burger" only I made mine chicken instead of burger- I told him he would regret his decison and I was right! my sandwich wasnt that great but it didn't make me think I was having a heart attack!

HispanicPundit said...

I am surprised you liked the movie so much. I went to watch it with my cousin and my roommate a few days ago and the resounding conclusion was that it dragged at the beginning and only towards the end got better, an overall "okay", though certainly not at the level of 'must see in theaters'. In other words, rental. Maybe it was because of the high expectations going in, but I honestly didn't think it was that good of a movie at all.

Anyway, glad to hear that Moe, the wuss, turned out okay. :-)

Joel said...

HP- I would agree that it's not a "must see in the theaters" but for me it didn't really drag... I had really high expectations and while I won't say I was disappointed it was certainly not one of the best crime drama's ever... my list for that would be:

1. Godfather
2. Godfellas
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Godfather II
5. Carlito's Way
6. Heat
7. Pulp Fiction
8. Scarface
9. Memento
10. Blow

HispanicPundit said...

Thats a definite winner list there! Your movie taste seems far better than cads...IMHO. :-)

HispanicPundit said...

One more thing: Joel, you ever seen Boondock Saints? Highly recommended! I'm willing to put my 'movie critique' reputation on it. :-)

Mick & Cathy said...

The good part is you can keep reminding Moe how much of a wimp he was.
As for your film list I reckon two more DeNiro films are worthy of a mention in that list "Once upon a time in America" & "A Bronx Tale".

Joel said...

hp- boondock saints? hmmm, I just looked it up on IMDB and I think I once saw part of it on HBO really late at night several years ago- I'll have to see if I can track it down and give it a watch... since you are staking your credibility on it...

and I would like to revise my list a bit and put LA Confidential at #10 over Blow... I can't believe I left that movie out.

wrb- Once Upon a Time in America is certainly worthy of being considered on or near anyone's crime movie list... a Bronx Tale was solid but that kid who played the son was just too brutal an actor for me to really get sucked in by the story. he was really terrible... coincidently, Lillo Brancato Jr- the kid in the movie, is on trial for murdering a cop in the Bronx right now.