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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Moleskine

Well I've finally settled on a journal and as these things often come to pass, it's not at all how I'd imagined it to be, but at the same time it's everything I was looking for.

I bought what is known as a Moleskine (pronounced mo-leh-skeen-eh if you're a pompous hipster who wants to sound like a sophisticated European, or mole-skin if you're a normal human being)... They're apparently quite the popular notebook and with good reason. Not only are they sturdy, rugged, and practical, but they have just a pinch of style thrown in as well.

They come in several sizes and many different options. I went with a "large" with lined paper (although blank and square paper are also available)... It fits snugly into my back pocket sticking out the top a bit but not enough to be bothersome.

Much like breaking in a new hat properly, I've read that sitting on them for a couple of hours a day will give them the proper worn effect that I'm looking for... Okay I didn't read that- I made it up. But I suspect it may be true.

Anyway, I bought it mainly to use on my metro rides as not only a journal but as a writing tool. I've written before about the train game I often play in my mind where I pick a person that catches my eye and give them a back story... I hope to use the journal (from here on to be referred to as my 'moleskine') as a way to put that game into writing.

In theory this will make me better at describing the smaller details of people in my writing- which is something I'm not always good at doing... If it helps me blog a little more often then that will be a bonus as well.

I don't think I'll put up very many "word for word" posts of what I write into my moleskine but I figured I would give you an unedited peek at my first entry:

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007. Five a.m., Red Line.

This first entry proves to be bitter sweet. The moleskine, this moleskine, arrived in the mail on Saturday afternoon and I've been itching to scribble down my first notes ever since.

I bought this moleskine to write down my thoughts on the metro and perhaps "hone" my writing skills. Now I find myself on the metro but I'm not sure I'm in the proper mood... I just endured the longest, hottest, most unbearable night of my life last night. The A/C went out in our apartment building and we set record temperatures in DC* yesterday. I was not permitted even a wink of sleep. I spent the whole night tossing and turning in the heat.

I'm not sure how writing on actual pen and paper will blend with my "style". I tend to do all my writing at a keyboard and have been known to rewrite a sentence a dozen times before I'm satisfied. I do this for better or worse and it remains to be seen how this strange "new" way of writing may effect my habits.

I'm also writing without benefit of spell check. I imagine one day that someone will find this journal and diagnose the writer with dyslexia.

Anyway, I find no especially interesting people sharing this metro ride with me. I do spot a woman on the other end of this car that I would like to get a closer look at in an improper way, but a large grumpy gentleman with a starring problem is blocking my view.

For now all I can be sure of is that the "subject" is shapely with a pretty face and dyed blond hair. She appears to be worried about something. I'd like to tell her that everything will alright but all the optimism I had been saving for this morning got sweat out onto my bed sheets last night.

*this record temperature thing may or may not be true but when I read this entry back years from now it will have become a fact regardless of it's accuracy!

(here's what a well used moleskin looks like)


Santiago said...

I am glad to see you back. I need to get back to it. I really hope you use your journal. I totally love the blonde already. Even if she was a blip and I didn't even see her. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

when i read your last entry, i thought of this article i read months back on the moleskin. and i wanted to recommend it to you because that is what your description of an ideal journal reminded me about. but i couldn't remember the name. good to see you found it.

Joel said...

santiago- yeah I check your blog everyday and everyday your inactivity disappoints me... I need you back as much as you do... and as for the bottle blonde, you would have liked her.

chancla- it's black, and in my mind it would have been brown... also, the paper is not loose so tearing out the russain girls phone # will be a mess, but I love it anyway... I'm going to order a few more for xmas gifts and for extras for me of course.