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Monday, October 29, 2007

Condoms, Journals, and Heavy Breathing

I left my journal at work on Friday afternoon... At various points throughout my weekend I worried that one of my co-workers might see the book on my desk and take a peek. I thought about the various potentially embarrassing things I have written in it. One entry in particular entitled "I Hate My Penis" immediately came to mind... That would be a difficult one to explain.

The other consequence of leaving the book meant that I had nothing to write in for my morning metro ride... And of course I saw a half dozen things I wanted to write about.

I watched jealously as other commuters piled onto the train and took out their books and cross word puzzles.

I'm "in between" books right now, so I had nothing to read.

I reached into my pocket for my Mp3 player only to realize that "oh yeah" my Mp3 player isn't working... This made for a boring ride to work.

When the train finally reached my stop I was confronted with a broken the escalator leading up to the street. I'm not usually one to complain about something so trivial, but we're talking about the equivalent of 4 flights of stairs. It was about 5:30 AM and my body was just not prepared for that kind of walk... When I finally got to the top of the stairs I was glad to see that I was not the only one looking a little winded.

I took a deep breath and felt sharp pain. The air was thin and very cold. Nothing like a lung full of freezing air to start the morning. I zipped up my jacket and started the walk to my office. By the time I got there my body was warm but my face was freezing.

Luckily, I found my journal untouched and sitting right where I left it. That means nobody read about my penis or why I hated it for a brief moment on October 16th. That's a relief.

I'll have it ready --the journal not the penis-- if anything of interest happens on my way home... Of course that means that nothing will happen. Come to think of it, carrying around a journal is a lot like carrying around a condom in your wallet; You never get the chance to use it when you're prepared, but the first time you forget it- you're sure to need it...

The main difference being that they don't sell journals in gas station bathrooms.


Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? there's always a huge selection of journals for sale in the girls bathrooms. Journals, Moleskines, Notebooks . . .satin, leather, card stock. . in various colors.

men are so deprived. Dont u wish u were a girl. LOL hahaha :p~

Joel said...

everything about being a woman would be more appealing to me, except for two major factors:
menstraul cycles, and child birth... and as great as it would be to get free drinks and see other women's boobs in dressing rooms- those are deal breakers!