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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


So, I've decided to move to Uruguay... La Colonia del Sacramento to be more exact.

I've seen about a dozen photos of the place and read some Wikipedia articles... I have no idea how to go about doing it... I don't know when I would go... I'm not really sure what I would do for work when I got there, or even if I would be able to work... When I make the move in my fantasy I always have a small secret fortune stashed away in a foreign bank to help accomodate my move, but in reality- no such fortune. I actually have no idea how I would aquire such a fortune... Of course, I haven't even run this idea by my wife yet, so that could be a problem I suppose... But I'm moving to Uruguay and I thought I should let you all know.


Becca said...

Well, I will support this decision :) I want to move to Australia...so the day you pick up and go...so will I! YOU will be my motivation...fulfill your dream DC...fulfill your dream! :p

Brian said...


Mick & Cathy said...

Intersting Choice of country. I'd love to comment more but I know f**k all about the place.

Just remembered they have won the world cup.

Anonymous said...

their flag is quite cheerful but aside from that i don't know anything else about uruguay. i think i can see you owning some sort of bar and grill type of place out there. where one can get the coldest beers and biggest steaks made with local seasonings. you wouldn't do much in your restaurant, except give orders--but your employees would love you because you would be super charismatic when doing it--you would dress in guayaberas and walk around the place smiling and winking at all the pretty girls. moe would eventually forgive you and move out there to be with you. well, that's how it played out in my head.

sonrisa morena said...

but i haven't you!! or moe!! or your wife!!! you can't leave yet!! oh wait, this is just a fantasy, right?

Joel said...

[insert Robert Stack voice and Unsolved Mystery Theme Music]


shortly after my announcement was made I had the "Uruguay Talk" with my wife... um, did not go quite as well as I had planned. but I'm not giving up yet. and of course if I can't talk her into willingly making the voyage there is always Plan B: Kidnapping

marie- as long as you promise to run your marathon and swim with some dolphins once you get there.

moe- I wasn't aware that I was taking votes

wrb- I think they have won twice, but don't hold me to that

chancla- that is scary close to the way it plays out in my head... the only thing missing is the part where I pass out in a hammock 2-3 times a week.

sonrisa- you're seeing this the wrong way... this is the best excuse you've ever had to vacation in south america! and let me take this oportunity to tell you that Colonia Del Sacramento attracts lots of young, rich Argentine vacationers... you could hook up with a young doctor named Ernesto from Buenos Aires whos looking to travel the continent in search of romance and justice... ready to spark revolution at the drop of a hat!

Mick & Cathy said...

You are correct but heres a question - Which sport did Uruguay win the European Championship in 1959 ?

Joel said...

wrb- I think I read something about rugby being popular their, so thats my guess.

sonrisa morena said...

damn!!! you're right!!! i want you to be my best friend from now on!!

Anonymous said...

does this fantasy include you giving me moeny to move to figi by any chance, b/c in my fantasy someone gives me millions, thought i'd just fill you in for that part. :)

Mick & Cathy said...

Trick question I'm afraid it was Show Jumping (name of horse).

Joel said...

cad- wait by the mail box on September 31st... your check will be there.

Vanessa said...

Something like your Uruguay plan is pitched to me pretty frequently. G says, "Hey what do you think about moving to (fill Latin American country here)?" I say, "Can we take Filomena?" He says,"Sure, she can..." Then we proceed to create a situation where Filomena makes us some extra cash as a street performer in said Latin American country.

For example, Filomena will help us introduce Frito-Pies to the Argentine people. We set up a cart in front of the Boca Junior's stadium (a site that thousands of people, probably inebriated, visit weekly). She charms 'em, we feed 'em.

Advice: You need a scheme to help convince your wife that Uruguay is the place to be. I have dibs on Frito-Pies. Maybe you can introduce Miniature Bagel Pizzas? GENIUS

Cincysundevil said...

I'm retiring to Mexico. I'll open a small pub near some small coastal town, open at like 4 in the afternoon and stay open 'til I'm tired shamelessly flirting with the women patrons. Of course, I haven't taken the trouble to figure out which city just yet ... it's still in the "development" phase