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Tuesday, June 20, 2006


It all started with a dream, a nightmare really… that’s two weeks in a row that I’ve had a bad dream on the Monday night before my weekly Tuesday posting. Some might argue that it’s a mixture of bad karma and guilt due to my neglect of Film Vault Tuesday… Maybe so.

My dream found me working in a very upscale hotel in the center of some anonymous and bustling city… Which wouldn’t have been so bad except for the fact that my job wasn’t very prestigious; I was an elevator operator, and I was of course dressed in a hideous burgundy fancy hotel worker outfit.

As if the job wasn’t horrifying enough on its own, someone I knew got on the elevator with a friend… But not just anyone, it was the girl who gave me my first bitter and unforgettable taste of rejection… No chaser offered, quite an after-taste. Some of you may remember the open letter I wrote to her a while back.

Anyway, she get’s on the elevator- I’m praying she won’t recognize me, and at first she doesn’t. Then, just as the elevator halts and the doors are about to open, we make eye contact.

I can see the instant flash of recognition in her eyes. She looks me up and down taking in the entire sight of me in my sad state. She starts to grin. The grin does not convey a happiness to see me after all these years; No, this grin is actually the beginning of laughter… at me… at my job… at my life.

She covers her mouth in an attempt to hide her immediate reaction as the elevator doors open… She makes a noble attempt of suppressing her laughter but she can’t… There is an awkward pause before she finally gives up and lets out a stinging cackle of laughter.

Then she just turns away, takes her friend by the hand and walks out the elevator.

The doors close leaving me alone in the elevator. I can see my depressed burgundy reflection on the back of the doors… and that’s all I remember. I awoke to a thunder storm taking place outside my bedroom window.

It was a good signal that I should have probably stayed in bed. I didn’t. I wish I had.

In short, it has been a bad day…


sonrisa morena said...

aaawww...i'm sending you a huuuge cyber hug right now!!! hope your day gets better :-)

Anonymous said...

Awww...sweetie...I hope your day gets better!!!! I think I know how I can make it better! (*wink*)
ANWWAYS...Its been a while..so how have you been? Whats been going on? Anything new?
Sorry..I dont have any juicy details....Go to myspace.com and look under my profile...Pics from Friday night are up...thats about as juicy as it gets.....Emily and I had fun though! DOUBLE TROUBLE and we were out in full force!! LOL......

Anonymous said...

would it make for a better day if i told you i have two pics of sonrisa. make me an offer and i can let you see 'em, you know to brighten up your day. hehe. no seriously. i can't, she would be mad at me. but i will say that she likes to dance with poles. *giggles*

Joel said...

sonrisa- thanks

hector- that is way to optimistic
for a glass is half empty guy like me

chancla- well I wasn't going to ever say anything, but since you brought it up... I already have two pictures of Sonrisa, including the one on the pole! I'm just that special. Had them for weeks too!
although, I still haven't met Sonrisa, or Santis, or you and the rest of the Chicago Bloggers... plus you talked to the lovely Cindylu on the phone! I'm way jealous.

Mick & Cathy said...

It must be that your allergic to Tuesdays. You could try staying in bed all day, I'm sure they will understand at work..

jennifer said...

anxiety dreams are the worst! i hope that today was better than tuesday.

Santiago said...

Sorry about the dream. I really like the open letter to yourself. I may have read it before, but it was still good the second time around. Hope you have a better day.

sonrisa morena said...

heeeyyyyyy!!! nobody knew about me and my stripper days!!! thanks alot guys ;-)