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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I Confess

I just don’t have another Film Vault Tuesday in me right now… It might be back next week but I make no promises… I know, I know… it’s lame. I’ve been ripping everybody off the past couple of weeks.

So… In keeping with tradition of this blog, when ever I go away or take a break, or simply suck for weeks at a time- I make up for it by telling an embarrassing and personal story… so that’s what I’m going to do right now... I’m going to confess to something terrible I did a few years ago.
However, there is a catch… I would like everyone else to make a confession as well… A confession to a wrong you have committed, or maybe an embarrassing secret you’ve been holding back. It doesn’t have to be anything too dramatic… Like, if you killed a drifter in Kansas during the Fall of 1994- you should probably keep that to yourself (Moe).

It doesn’t have to be a secret you’ve never told anyone, just something you’ve never told the blogging community… But obviously a lame confession would be a waste of everyone’s time.

I’ve never asked anyone to participate in anything on my blog before, but I think this could be pretty spectacular if everyone did… Confessions should be made in the comments section of this post, but feel free to post it on your own blogs as well should you feel the need.

Depending on participation I’ll announce the winner of the “Confession Contest” either next Tuesday or the Tuesday after that.

So now, here is my confession:

About 3 years ago I slept with my roommate’s girl friend… a lot.

The relationship went on for about 2 months… And it all took place in the apartment we shared.

He was one of my closest friends, but to be perfectly honest, I don’t even regret it.

That's not to say that I don't feel guilty about it, because honestly I really do. Not only did I lose a close friendship but I think I was responsible for sending him into a fairly substantial depression... But, on the other hand, this girl was model material. This was a once in a lifetime shot for a guy like me. So do I feel guilty about it? Yeah. But do I regret it? No, I can't really say that because if someone gave me the option of going back and doing it all over again it would only take me roughly 2.3 seconds to overcome my guilt and say: "Where do I sign up?"

Now, as bad as that all sounds, let me give a little more background.

As I said, the girl was beyond hot and I was infatuated with her from the first time I met her. At the time when things started to develop I was on a break with my crazy girl friend. I was spending a lot of time as a “Third Wheel” hanging out with my roommate and this girl.

My friend dated her for about a year, and of course he didn’t really appreciate her. He ignored her, complained about her, he never took her out- that sort of thing.

They had met at school, where they we on the track team together. He was the star upper classman athlete and she was the wide eyed Freshman.

After about 6 months it was clear to everyone that the whole relationship was a mistake (for her at least) but since this was her first really serious relationship she hadn't come to that conclusion yet.

I helped her come to that conclusion.

As I became friends with her I began to subtly point out all of my roommate’s flaws and shortcomings… and they were legit flaws. He really didn’t appreciate or treat her well. He looked at having a beautiful girlfriend as one of the perks of being him... Because he had been a star athlete all of his life, he was (and probably still is) incapable of paying attention to anything beyond his next race or next game.

Now, when you're pointing out a guy's flaws (in order to bang his girlfriend) it can be a touchy subject. There is a fine line you must walk. Being subtle is a key… You can’t just constantly talk crap about the guy or it will either be too obvious or you'll come off as a jerk… You have to carefully lead your prey (the girlfriend) into seeing her boyfriend’s flaws, but (and this is tehe key) you have to make her think that she came to the realization on her own.

And of course, it helps if the flaws you lead her to noticing should also be things that you happen to do well… For instance, I’m a great listener... My friend was not… My friend was boring… I tried to seem exciting… I enjoy picking up the tab and leaving big tips… My friend was cheap and often refused to leave tips… You get the idea.

I also used a few other tricks… I played up my recent break-up for all it was worth. I never spoke poorly of my ex (cause I was such a gentleman and all). I painted myself as confident and together on the surface with just a hint of a deeper sadness below the surface. I didn't want her to know I had a bunch of emotional baggage, I was just a good guy, down on his luck, and in need of comfort.... and god bless her, this girl had a lot of comfort to give.

Also, I was working on a novel at the time. I have since come to the conclusion that it wasn't really that good (actually, to be honest, it was a god awful, embarrassing pile of crap) but at the time I was really serious about it… and I let her read it.

Despite the project's serious shortcomings- it did work on her. She was a 19 year old girl with a dumb jock for a boyfriend and there I was “working on a novel.” I think I may have even told her some BS about her being the inspiration for one of the characters… She never had a chance.

I know all of this sounds terrible… and it is… but I should make it clear that I wasn’t doing all this with the intention of just sleeping with her… I really was head over heels for this girl. I can see now that a lot of it was probably lust, but at the time I thought I was "in love". So once the wheels on this train started moving , I was powerless to put a stop to it all.

As Moe Greene can attest to, I was totally convinced that not only was what I doing not wrong, but I actually thought I would somehow live happily ever after with this girl!

Then one day a good friend of mine made an observation: “If she would cheat on him, what makes you think she wouldn’t cheat on you?”

Somehow, as improbable as it may sound, that thought hadn’t occurred to me before that moment. And of course he was right… after two months of secret rendezvous and corny love letters the girl finally came to her senses… She dumped both myself and my roommate on the same day.

Two weeks later she was dating a minor league baseball player.

My roommate never figured out exactly what had happened. He had his suspicions and eventually moved out. We’ve only talked once since then. We had been friends since 5th grade.

And of course I spun into a terrible depression. I went on a 2 week drug and alcohol bender that would have made Chris Farley proud… It ended when a druggie co-worker sat me down one day and said “Dude, you’re way out of control. You need to slow down.”

You know it’s time to re-evaluate things when a guy you’ve seen snort coke off a stripper’s tits tells you: “You need to slow down.”

I ended up getting back with the ex-girlfriend I had broken up with before all this started… which was another bad idea, but hey, bad ideas are what I do best. And, like I said, despite the crash landing I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

I came out fine in the end. AND I got to shag a girl who was WAY out of my league for two glorious months… It's also worth mentioning that not only was she beautiful, but she was ah.... talented... a very talented young lady...

It was well worth it.

So there it is- my very honest confession… Your turn.


Anonymous said...

nothing like the 'druggie' to put things into perspective.

as for confessions, i gotta think about this one and come back. not that i lack material but i need to think about it considering there may be a contest.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do this confession thing anonymously. I hooked up with a blogger. We met by being in the same blog circle, commented on each other's blogs, chatted, talked on the phone, and then we met in real life when one of us took a business trip to the other's general location. We met at the hotel where the traveler was staying and didn't even get drinks or dinner. Just did it. Spent the night and drove/flew home the next day.

We still chat and comment on each other's blogs.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I'll have to think about an act I have to confess, but as for an embarassing, humiliating story, I just posted a horrible one on my blog.

Joel said...

chancla- this is a blatant ripoff of your red stapler award, only I don't know what to call the award yet... can't wait to read your confession.

marie- I'll keep in mind your goodie goodie status when judging your confession... in fact- if you confess anythign remotely dangerous or embarrasingly bad then you're like a sure shot to win.

anonymous- now THAT is a confession... sortof, you know, if it wasn't anonymous. All though I must admit that I've been staring at my computer screen for the past 7 minutes trying to figure out who you and the other person might be... this contest has some serious potential.

regina- I trust your confession will be nothing less than spectacular, but um- no pressure... and yes, that was quite the embarassing story you posted... yikes.

Anonymous said...

Wow....Joel, I NEVER knew.....What a confession!!!!

So you asked me for a confession...Um...lets see..I dont think that I have any juicy confessions.... ;) I am a angel...REMEMBER?

sonrisa morena said...

hmmm, well i just posted a confession but i guess i can confess something else...hmmmm? oh what to confess, oh what? i'm a huuuuuuge fan of kelly clarkson!!! aaahhh, i feel so much better. it's difficult to be a closeted kelly clarkson fan.

AND you my dear dc, WOW!!! is what i have to say to your
confession ;-)

Anonymous said...

ha! i've slept with a fellow blogger as well.

Santiago said...

Damn it!!! I always thought I was going to take this one to the grave. I guess it will be good to let the old bones out of the closet. So much for my saint-like status. You can all stop laughing now.

In HS I dated this girl. She was like my first serious girlfriend. We were going out for like 2 years and some change. This is the girl I actually made love to. It was extreme. Of course, after the love making thing, we did it like monkeys for the next couple of years. Towards the end of it...when things were turning south, I met a girl from Minnesota. She had long curly hair and juicy lips as well as other features that were note-worthy. We met via a cousing that lived out in Minnesota. We had been talking over the phone for a long time. This was back in the day before the net. You know between 93-94. We spent like all winter talking over the phone and she had one of the best phone voices ever. We did not do anything perverted or anything over the phone at least. ;-) hehehehe!! Well...one night for no reason. I got into a crazy little mood. I got into some arguments with my parents about something stupid I am sure. I actually talked back to my parents, this is not something I usually do. I even got as far as ran away from home. Well...here I am about 18 or so "thinking I am grown" I decided to take a little road trip to MN. My brother came with me too. So here it is me and my little brother out on our own for like a weekend. I do not even recall what I told my girlfriend at the time. I do not think I even told her. I just got the f@#$ out of dodge. We bought some smokes and went over there to visit this girl. We did all sorts of crazy thing and then I came to my senses. We spent about 4 days out there before my money ran out. I decided to come back, but I did get to fool around with this girl. Her name was Nancy. So...in a nutshell, I cheated on my ex-girlfriend. My brother is the only one who knows that story. It was a great 4 days. To be young and in lust, not in love, but lust. Good times!!!

Mick & Cathy said...

Your confession is a cracker, admitting you were spaced out on drugs for two weeks, I've never done that.
The other bit with you friends girlfriend is quite interesting as well and I'm struggling to come up with any of my good one's that won't result in me getting locked up or losing my job.
Reading all these confessions I can only say I've never slept with any of my friends girlfriends (not while they are going with them) or with a blogging friend.
The best I can muster in this field of confession is the mother of a player I was sports coach of, I later regretted it.

jennifer said...

note how all the men are making sex confessions!!!

Brian said...

Confession: I have had sex twice with my wife. We have three kids...

Of course, that's not true. I hope to have my "confession" up tomorrow when I'm not stoned out of my mind off of allergy medicine(s). Wanna make sure I don't confess to the wrong thing...

Joel said...

My god I wish I would have come up with this idea sooner! so many great confessions already and we're still waiting for several other confessions which could be great... (and don't think I won't call anyone out who doesn't submit a confession!!!)

My plan is to let the confession keep trickling in until sometime next week- I will then release the award nominations, followed by the announcement of a winner- who will of course have the stage to give an acceptance speech.

also, there is no limit on the amount of confessions you can make... just like with the oscars- if you have multiple great confessions you can recieve multiple nominations...

Anonymous said...

dc, why not just call your award the joel (like the oscar or the emmy) since you were the one that started with that mega confession.

let's see confessions. why do they all gotta be about sex? well i can tell you that i was almost kidnapped for getting really wasted once. many years back at a nightclub me and two friends bought three consecutive rounds of triple shots of tequila and slammed them down within minutes. this shouldn't have been a problem except that i was on a (very unhealthy) diet of carrots and a bowl of rice a day that summer--especially that weekend since i remember that i really wanted to wear a certain dress. while i did not pass out completely i could not stand up straight and my cousin decided that it was best if she took me home. she had her boyfriend throw me over his shoulder (both were marines) and carry me out. well outside two guys i had never seen in my life attempted to take me. they insisted that they knew me, one even grabbed my hand, they said they would take care of me. for some reason instead of blowing them off my cousin asked me if i knew them and i had to work real hard to focus and look at them and then i said, "no,no, no, no." and that's all i could say, and i'm not sure i was understood because i was so drunk but afraid that they were going to steal me and do all sorts of horrible things to me. so my cousin threw me into the backseat of the car and began arguing with them. she ultimately punched one of them and then they tried jumping the boyfriend so they had to make a quick getaway and they ended up crashing into some parked cars because a chase ensued and we didn't exactly stop to leave little notes on the windshield. one of the times she crashed i hit my face on the back of her carseat and still have a slight bump on the bridge of my nose to show for it.

so there, that's my confession that could have been about sex and drinking gone really wrong.

Vanessa said...

Alright, here I go:

In my last post on my blog, I alluded to a rough patch my best friend and I went through a couple of years ago. After years of being superclose, by this point, we basically weren't talking and it was painful (for me at least). One weekend, she and her boyfriend went out of town and instead of asking me to feed the cat and water the plants (my usual job), they asked my boyfriend. I was mad about the snub, but still went along with him to the apartment. After the cats and plants were taken care of, we began fooling around and as things heated up, we moved to the bedroom where we had sex on their bed. Ha!

I don't feel bad. Funny thing, we're still friends. I never told her and she never said anything--but I made sure we didn't leave any "evidence," I even spot cleaned the bedspread.

Joel said...

wow- is all I can say, we've got some exellent confessions here! I think I'm going to put together a realy good award show- and please feel free to keep the confessions coming!

Anonymous said...

Ok....I have a FEW confessions to make....... ;)

1. I once dated a guy back in high school whom was still dating his "ex" girlfriend and then on the side "dating" me.....Well somehow we both found out, things ended with me and the guy. I later told him that we could be together in secret.....

2. Nothing like a married woman, messing around on her husband with another married man!!!!!! HEY...dont hate...at least we have one thing in common...We are both married! LOL....

3. I have only stolen one thing in my life....I was just a little girl, and my mom would not let me get some lifesavers at the grocery store, so I stole them. We get to the car, and get all the way home, and she finds out that I stole the lifesavers, she drove me all the way back to the grocery store and made me return them to the manager. I have never stolen anything else in my life!!!!!

4. When I was living at home, I was probally around the age of 17...I told my parents that I was going to sleep over at a friends house.....I really went to this guys house and ended up spending the night with him. Even if I did get caught, it would have been well worth it! An entire night, with a hot guy...You betcha!

5. Believe it or not, I have had a eating disorder.....Almost put me in the hospital....and I think that I am headed down that road again....(dont ask..and I wont tell)....

Ok..thats enough for now.....I might be brave and come back and post some more..But I am not sure yet..........

Anonymous said...

a different anonymous:

i flirted with a married man. we never did go far since he lived so far away. Normally i wouldn't get "involved" with a married man but he didn't tell me in the beginning he was and he began flirting with me. When he revealed he was married, we agreed to be just friends. Yet, we couldn't manage to keep the flirting to a minimum. We eventually had a break in the "relationship". I did feel guilty knowing he was married and had a child. But what makes me happy is that in the end, i think i inspired him to start making music again. He was in a band in the 1990s that had moderate success overseas. although he never admitted it to me, i think one of his new songs is about me.

he always believed my thoughts were "golden".

sonrisa morena said...

okay here goes another confession...i'm married, have been for the last 5 years. we lived together for one year and then i found out he is gay...okay i knew even before we got married that he was gay, i just thought i would try to be dramatic. i can't wait to get a divorce!!! i've got two more years to go!!! we don't live together anymore...we only lived together for one year and then i realized that the man had isssues!!! he didn't like my friends to come to the aparment and well that was just not cutting it for me!!! hellooo? i love to have my friends over for dinner!! anywho, i moved out and asked for the divorce but he wouldn't give it me, "please, do want you want but just don't ask me to divorce you, please" is what he told me. i don't even know why i did it..okay i do. i had just gotten out this horrible relationship (yes the abusive one) and well the husband appeared to be a nice guy...appeared being the key word here. once i moved in with him he became your typical machista...he would introduce me to his acquaintances (he has no real friends) "this is sonrisa, she just moved in with me and she will cook and clean"...i would just smile and live the room thinking "the hell i will!! i'm not doing this again!!" anyway, i could go on but i won't because something happened to him when i left him. He became, hmmm? nice. even the friends that met him saw a HUUUGE difference in him...maybe he realized how alone he really was once i left, i don't know what it was but he changed for the better. so we still communicate and he considers me to be his best friend. i unfortunetly don't see him that way...he freakin' drains me when ever we get together of dinner!! two more years!!! and i'm free!!! so there you have it.

Joel said...

holy shit... just when I think the confessions have reached a climax you guys continue to amaze me! I hope everyone is enjoying these as much as I am...
i would say, from a comedy standpoint, the funniest thing I've read so far comes fom ~A/D~ who actually made 4 confessions in one post (2 of which are like really big confessions) and then at the end she says "I might be brave and comeback to post more"...
You mean that's not it? What else could you have?! Were you the second gunnner in the JFK assassination!? lol.
but seriously, these confessions have far exceeded my expectations and we still have 4 days until I release the nominations...

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

when i was in California, i lived briefly with 3 potsmoking frenchmen....granted i wasn't the only woman there. i was visiting my friend and they said it was okay for me to stay there too. certain family members thought i was living with 2 other women...not frenchmen :)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...


Sonrisa! are u serious? Damn!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

okay last comment...
i have to agree with Joel about a/d's comment about being "brave" and coming back to post more...that had me laughing :)

this was an excellent idea for a post, joel!

Joel said...

Marie- I just want you to know that I've been laughing at your story for the past 5 minutes... it made my night.

under the red sky said...

damn ese, you're a pimp! I think that any guy would've done the same exact thing! Good job!!

Anonymous said...

OH GOOD LAAWD! These are sooooo good. Joel, you are a genius I tell you a genius. This is better then http://www.postsecret.blogspot.com/!!!

Marie – I’ve been laughing non-stop as well! AHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious!

HispanicPundit said...

LOL @ Marie, that confession was hilarious!!! She definitely deserves an award for that post...

Not to be left out, I thought I'd chime in with one of my confessions. When I was growing up I had a very close friend we all called Gato, we grew up together as he lived a few blocks from my house. Anyway, he grew up in a divorced home with his dad and we used to spend alot of time at each others pad - although I had never met anybody else from his family. One day though, when I was about 18 years old, his sister got kicked out of his mothers house and came to live with her dad in Compton. As soon as she moved in with him she made her presence known, she was a very sexy sister, about 16-17 at the time. I don't know exactly what she did to get sent to her dads house but whatever it was, it was enough to have the dad monitor her every move. He would take her and pick her up from school and not let her go out.

My boy Cat was also very protective of her and would never invite her to any parties. I don't know if it was because she couldn't go out much or because of me, but everytime I would see her she would be very flirtatious with me, whenever he was not around of course. Anyway, I would continuously ignore her flirts and act as if I didn't notice, because after all, I could have been picking up the signals wrong, you know? Soon after though, she must have gotten impatient with my lack of stepping up and eventually made a physical advance towards me. I was shocked and even then turned her offer down. But she persisted, even getting very dangerously flirtatious in front of her brother...of which I could not risk. So I eventually did what needed to be done.

We kept the 'relationship' secret and would have sex in the riskiest of places...in the back yard when nobody was looking, a quickie in the kitchen when we went to get something to drink, or even when there was a big party that I purposely missed knowing that Cat would go. I would go to his house, sneak her out of the room, and have my way with her in my car.

It was a very dangerous relationship and if Cat found out there would certainly be more than mere words exchanged. I've had friends in Compton get stabbed and shot over stuff like this, and although I doubt it would get that far with him, I am sure that it would have gotten much worse than I wanted to risk. Eventually I started coming around less and less and she eventually found someone else and even ran away from home.

Crazy thing is, many years after the event took place, nobody else knows about this, I have kept it a close secret. Oh well, I don't think it matters much now, I haven't talked to Cat in almost 8 years. But just in case...this secret stays between us and the blogosphere. :-)

Brian said...

Confessions: Nothing since seventh grade, so I can't help here...

I do, however, have a couple of "embarrasing" stories. To me, they're not embarrasing as everyone who knows me knows the story(s) I'm about to tell. To the lay person though, they're quite shameful...

My first story takes us back to 2001. My wife, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, four-month-old daughter, and I are on our way to the mall. Not just any mall, but one 45 minutes away. About 10 minutes into the trip, I feel the urge to sneeze. As my daughter is holding my finger (from her car seat) in the back, I let the sneeze out. Only problem is, at the time, I didn't realize I needed to take the Browns to the Super Bowl. The sneeze was so violent, I shat myself. Opposed to walking through the mall with a load in my shorts (so that no one found about the recent tragedy down below), I decided that I would let my wife know she needs to turn around. We're only 10 minutes into the trip, so what's the big deal? We'll turn around, get new boxers and be on our merry way. Apparently, she didn't believe me. After three minutes of trying to convince her (it took her brother to actually smell the feces), she said that we should stop at a closer mall so that I could go in to get new undies. Um...that wasn't going to happen. After pleading with her for another three or four minutes, we drove back home. I'm not sure we ever made it to either mall.

Onot something not-so-embarrasing, but a decent tale. A good friend of mine made me regurgetate via fart. Back in 1998, we were riding in my 1989 PLYMOUTH HORIZON. We just had Denny's "breakfast" at 1:30am. We had just gotten into the car when he let out a fart that would make a baboon proud. He offered that it wouldn't stink. When I responded (or tried to, anyway), I must have tasted what he just digested. I threw the car in park (straight from drive!) and sprinted out of the vehicle. Before I could make it to the rear of the car, I had already lost my $2.99 meal. I proceeded to dry-heave after that. Good times...

Finally, I have taken (or left) not one, but two shits that left defecation on the wall. Yes, the crap flung THROUGH the crack of the lid and the bowl ONTO the adjacent wall. Unfortunately, that isn't a scenario that can provide witnesses, so only I can appreciate those times. Let's just say that once every-so-often, chicken wings and coke doesn't agree with me.

Oh, and Fruity Pebbles makes my poop green...

sonrisa morena said...

ms. marie i'm still laughing!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok...I had said that there may be more confessions coming......BUT...At this point I dont think that I have anything more to confess about...... :( I know..I know.. I am a disapointment.....Looks like I need some more excitment in my life! ;) *wink*

Joel said...

All confessions are in and the deadline has arrived... thanks to everyone and I hope you enjoy the nominations and award show!