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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Compromise

Since announcing my temporary leave of absence I've been flooded with very nice emails and comments- many of them imaginary, some of them actually real... I feel I should clarify that I'm still going to be reading and commenting on other blogs as frequently as my new job situation will allow.

But I also have made a compromise with Moe Greene... the thought of me leaving the office we share and shutting down the blog caused a near hostage situation. The bottom line is, Moe will be continuing the "Film Vault Tuesday" column (yes I'm going to start calling it a column to make myself feel a little more important) and no old ladies will be hurt... So that will go on until I return... Also, Fridays will be open if anyone out there wants to step in for a Guest Host appearance (just shoot me an email there is a link on my profile)... If not Moe is either going to have to fill Friday's slot with some of my old posts or (gulp) he'll have to get creative and write something original- so unless you people want your Fridays filled with poop stories and baseball people need to volunteer to fill in.

I promise to be back when:
a) I'm sure I'll have time
b) I know what I want to do with the blog
c) I fuckin feel like it

And just so we're all on the same page- when I comeback it will be the Michael Jordan comeback with the Bulls and not the Wizards.


Anonymous said...

yay! it will be interesting to hear more of moe greene's voice. maybe he can tell embarrassing joel stories about little league too. hehe.

Mick & Cathy said...

Could be interesting, what if Moe becomes more popular than Joel ?

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Moe more popular than Joel?? Impossible.

p.s. Joel: ONE...MORE...DAY!!

under the red sky said...

Don't go dude. We need more baseball bloggers. I know the Nats are sucking right now but they will pick it up. Damn dog, have you seen Soriano hit?