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Monday, March 06, 2006

Film Vault Tuesday (Week 8)

The first time I saw Phillip Seymour Hoffman he was playing a bit role in "Leap of Faith", a quality but forgettable Steve Martin movie about a con-man hustling as a preacher.

He didn’t really show anything special in that role, but his face began popping up in smaller roles in movie’s like "Scent of a Woman", "Nobody’s Fool", and "Twister"…

He had established himself as a “that guy” actor… You’ve seen him in some movies before but he didn’t do anything special enough to make you remember his name… All that changed for me the second I saw him step onto the scene as Scotty J., in a movie called “Boogie Nights.”

It took him several more movies before he really got a following from mainstream movie goers, but for me- Boogie Nights was all I needed… From that moment on I told anyone who would listen that Hoffman (or PSH for short) was as good as any leading actor out there.

I was worried that his lack of Hollywood good looks would relegate him to a career of supporting roles as a character actor… I over analyzed and worried about every movie role he picked- afraid the wrong choice could end his career while all the time knowing that he was also only one perfect role away from stardom.

And now he’s there… The pinnacle of success… Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role.

So, in honor of PSH’s big win, this Film Vault Tuesday is dedicated to the movie where he stole my heart…

Title: Boogie Nights (1997)

Credits: Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, Julianne Moore, Don Cheadle, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, John C. Reilly

Why? I don’t even know where to begin… This movie defines the phrase “All-Star Cast.”

It’s an eclectic mix of literally, the best actors Hollywood has to offer. And they all deliver.

You add in a brilliant script loosely based off the life of deceased porn star John Holmes and you’ve got magic…

More than any movie, this movie has molded the vocabulary of my friends… there are so many little throw away lines that just stay with us… The movie's director/writer, PT Anderson has a style unlike anyone else. He gets top notch actors to play intentionally over the top, bizarre roles and somehow make you take the whole spectacle seriously.

You spend half the movie laughing at the absurdity of the characters and before you know how it happened you suddenly find yourself emotionally connected to them.

Remote Stopper Scene: Perhaps the most tense scene in movie history takes place towards the end of the movie... Let me just say it involves cheesy mustaches, a gay underage Chinese prostitute who loves to throw firecrackers, and a drug deal gone terribly wrong... the whole scene is set to the backdrop of the Rick Springfield classic "Jessie's Girl."

Also, despite the fact that Mark Wahlberg is a pretty mediocre actor, he has a great moment where you can see the moment he realizes that he's hit rock bottom based only on his facial expression.

Goosebump/Tear Factor: Of course this scene is dedicated to the great Phillip Seymour Hoffman and the moment he stole my heart... It's a big New Year's Eve party at Dirk Diggler's house and Scotty J. (PSH) has been following Dirk around like a puppy dog all night... Finally he talks Dirk into coming outside so he can show him his new car... and he tries kiss him!

Nothing is more disturbing than watching an overweight and unkept Scotty J. plead with Dirk, "Please, can I kiss you, can I kiss you on the mouth?"

Of course, Dirk denies Scotty's pathetic advance, leaving the desperate camera man with nothing left but a lame attempt at blaming it all on the alcohol.

He's left alone in Dirk's driveway as the New Year's Celebration rages on without him.

Crushed, he retreats to his car where he proceeds to bang his hand into the steering wheel in a fit of rage, crying hysterically the whole time... My words don't do an adequate job of expressing the moment. It's something that most be seen to be truly appreciated.

When I first saw the scene I was laughing uncontrollably and then all of a sudden in a matter of mere seconds he made my eyes water with sympathy... And that made him a star, in my eyes at least.

Overall Rating: 8.5/10. This movie isn't for everyone. In addition to some very graphic nudity and lots of drug use, the film drags on for 156 minutes... It's the type of movie the requires an emotional commitment. The first 2 or 3 times I saw it, I wasn't even sure I liked it.

I knew I liked a lot of scenes in it, but it didn't realize until much later how brilliant the movie really was... It follows the life of Porn Stars, but really it's not about pornography... It's about broken people trying to make their way through life.

It's about overcoming obstacles and finding yourself, just as much as it's about sex and cocaine... It's genius is that it makes you not only care, but actually connect with people that you have so little yet so much in common with.


jennifer said...

wow, joel. this a very compelling movie review. i've never seen boogie nights, but you've made me curious.

as for psh, i agree--along with the academy apparently--that he is one of the best actors out there right now. for some reason, he really stayed wtih me after i saw him in the talented mr. ripley.

btw, i really look forward to film vault tuesdays. :)

Anonymous said...

Hola Joel...
yeah... I've seen that movie.
It was great! I specially love the last scene! HAHA. [wink]

I agree. Phillips is a great actor and very deservant of the award.

Hey, they didn't offer you a roll in this movie?!
I'm shocked! LOL

sonrisa morena said...

i loved this movie!!! you're right about the movie following the life of a porn star but it has nothing to do with porn. i did feel bad for alot of the characters...AND i remember crying for psh's character, such a sad character. i've often said that if a character makes you feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, anxious, etc. (and that's what the character's supposed do) then the actor has done a great job!! i think i got a reaction from every character in that movie!! after i saw that movie i respected mark as an actor and forgot all about marky mark...great pick!! you know truelly look forward to film vault tuesday.

Santiago said...

Joel...you are the man. I totally dug this movie. Some of the scenes where out there, but you are right. I completely remembered the whole scene you mentioned.

I thought he was also really good in that movie, "Twister". He really is a good actor. I also look forward to the Film Vault Tuesday

Anonymous said...

I'm with Julissa. .that's how i remember him .. the SHART MAN! lol

I love this movie though, but yep. . it's not for everyone!

Joel said...

Julissa- I think it says a lot that even in a god awful movie like that he could give us a memorable performance.

Jennifer- yes, he was great in Ripley... "Tommy, how's the peepin', how's the peepin' Tommy?!"

bontia- "I'm a star, I'm a star, I'm a star!"
And had I been offered my choice of parts in this I would have been Reed Rothchild, the John C Rielly character... not only did he get to be in a scene with Becky Barnett, he could play the guitar and knew magic tricks.

sonrisa- yeah, I'm always amazed out how many great performances were in that movie... Magnolia, also by PT Anderson has almost the same cast and includes Tom Cruise. It's not quite as good, but everyone does a great job.

santiago- "Twister" was a surprisingly decent movie.

hector/cad- image winning the Oscar for best leading role and all anyone can remember is that you sharted in a Ben Stiller movie, lol!

Mick & Cathy said...

Was you a Film critic in a earlier life.
I've not seen the film but this post is good.

Joel said...

WRB- no, but that would be a dream job.

Informant- well... I thought this year's best lead actor award was really tough... To me there were lots of great performances this year, but not a lot of great movies.

I thought "Crash" was very well acted by all involved... but I don't know that it's Best Film material. (of course none of the other movies were really that great either, so whatever.)

As far as "Hustle and Flow" goes, I still haven't seen it... When I first saw previews I thought it was going to be a steamy turd...

I saw the token white people and heard that he was pimp and I just wrote it off... As someone who grew up with hip hop, I've been really disapointed with pretty much everything that's come out over the past few years... too comercial, nothing of relevence to say, blah blah. So I just ended up putting H&F into that category... But now I can see that I was wrong.

SO many people who's opinion I respect have said good things that I'm just going to have to break down and watch it... I'll of course let you know how I feel after I see it.