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Friday, February 24, 2006

One Last Gift

Well, Salma didn't take the break-up post very well, I think maybe I should give her another photo to remember the good times.... Here we are with Penelope Cruz, and the Olsen twins. Wow! That was one crazy night!

Let me just say, the rumors about Penelope and Salma are true, (wink, wink). I'd also like to point out that the Olsen twins were of age at the time, and VERY consenting!


sonrisa morena said...

looking good there dcn!!!

Santiago said...

Damn it man. Let me have at least one of them.

Good time, good times!!!

Anonymous said...

I never knew u were a P-I-M-P Daddy like that......
If I only knew in high school what I know now....Whew.....

Anonymous said...

omg, how funny. i never knew there were rumors about salma and penelope.

Joel said...

sonrisa- well I'm trying to impress you now that I know you dig chubby guys with blue eyes.

santiago- you can have em all santis, I have retired from the clebrity dating scene.

marie/april- I must say, I am rather pimp-o-licious in that pic.

chancla- I didn't know there were rumors either until I was searching the web to find a pic of her to add myself into (not that the pics here on my blog arent real...) and I came across a mexican tabloid cover that questioned exactely how close their friendship really was, it even had a picture of them walking hand and hand and then one of penelope grabbing salma's ass as they walked down the street... i'm sure it's not true but it got my imagination going all the same.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

ALLL right...

Cincysundevil said...

Oh hell yeah ... you've got my 2 girls in the pic with you (Salma and Penelope) ... they're both on The List

Anonymous said...

You make me smile. :)

Joel said...

emc, what's going on with your blog? please tell me you're just having some technical dificulties that are very temporary!?

Anonymous said...