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Thursday, January 19, 2006

7 Things

So, I got tagged to do this “7” thing by Vanessa ->“Ness and Filomena."

I think, but I'm not sure, that most of the blogs I read have already done this at some point so I’m not going to tag anybody else... but if you haven’t done it, and you’d like to, by all means feel free to do so… anyway, without further ado, here is my Seven List:

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:

1. Live in a foreign country
2. Own my own home
3. See a Maryland vs. Duke Basketball game in person
4. Buy something I wrote from a bookstore
5. Learn how to take advice
6. Have a job I love
7. Learn how to make steamed crabs like my Dad

Seven Things I Can Do:

1. Buy good, affordable Xmas gifts at the last minute
2. Write a good email
3. Exaggerate
4. Cook the PERFECT grilled cheese sandwich (Not exaggerating)
5. Talk my way out of a bad situation
6. Listen
7. Drive for a long period of time without a break.

Seven Things I Can't Do:

1. Dance
2. Drive a stick shift
3. Put my shoes away
4. Let go of grudges
5. Give good directions
6. Save Money
7. Keep my desk clean

Seven Things That Attract Me to Another Person:

1. Quirkyness (sp?)
2. Sarcasm
3. Multi-Colored Hair
4. Passion
5. Ability to argue
6. Love of baseball, or at least tolerance of…
7. Looks good wearing clear lip gloss

Seven Things I Say Most Often:

1. Hmmmmm
2. Really!?
3. Pinche ______
4. Umm, No.
5. And what is your ah, dirección- ah, I mean um… address?
6. Du Beta ("You bet" in German, or so I’m told)
7. Sure


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I love that your "Blogs to Read" list is in alphabetical order which puts my blog first. Until you start reading a blog that starts with a "b" anyway.

Joel said...

So... There is a blog I've read yesterday that started with a 'B' but I'm not sure if it's going to updated that often so I'm not putting it on my links just yet... but don't worry I have a loop hole to keep you at the top of the alphabetical list; Instead of just "Chicana on the Edge", I'll wirte it as "A Chicana on the Edge"

Cincysundevil said...

That's a pretty good list there; I might have to try that sometime myself. I don't know if I could 7 things; I'd have to do more like 3 things since I tend to lose my focus when I blog

sonrisa morena said...

dcuxyex"looks good in wearing clear lipgloss"...yeap!! you just became the favorite person of the day!!!!