[1] 30% of my readers think I’ve already broken my New Year's Resolution… Another 30% thought I would make it the whole year… Just for the record, “NO I have not yet broken my resolution, and NO I will not make it an entire year with out Soda or the Dollar Menu.”
[2] My best friend Moe Green has no idea what warrants a phone call… keep in mind that we work together every day and then usually talk on the phone once per night.
Well he called me this morning at 8:52 and 8:55 to tell me that Phillip Seymour Hoffman won a Golden Globe for “Capote," and the second call was to tell me Steve Carrell won a Golden Globe for his work on “The Office.”
The key to this story is that we were going to see each other in FIVE minutes… that news couldn’t have waited FIVE more minutes… He had to tell me that RIGHT THEN.
And [3] Never blog about cleavage if 75% of the people who read your blog are women… it doesn’t go over so well.
But we’re going to put that, ummm… unfortunate incident behind us and move on to Film Vault Tuesday… YIPPIE!?!?! [insert fake applause]

Credits: Paul Newman, Bruce Willis, Jessica Tandy, Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Why: One of my favorite authors is Richard Russo. Some of his more notable work includes Empire Falls, Straight Man, Mohawk, and Nobody’s Fool.
Empire Falls was made into a very good mini-series by HBO. I am not a mini-series kind of guy, but I have to say that I really enjoyed it.
Well, before Empire Falls, there was another Richard Russo novel adapted for the big screen; Nobody’s Fool. The movie had moderate success. It was applauded by critics and people with brains… but it lacks explosions and over the top sex scenes, so most of America forgot to go see it. Which is a shame.
Paul Newman, as expected, gives an amazing performance as an alcoholic and absentee father given a chance to reconnect with his son. The film is every bit as funny as it is touching. Sarcastic and witty one moment, and tear jerkingly poetic in the next.
This movie also gives a first glimpse of Bruce Willis’ acting chops in a serious non-action movie. It opened the door for him to try his hand in other “take me serious” roles such as The 6th Sense and ummm… well that’s about it. But really, he does a surprisingly excellent job in this.
Also, a young Phillip Seymour Hoffman shows potential and holds his own on screen with Newman… a sign of the great things that lay ahead of him.
Remote Stopper Scene: There are several scene’s that I just HAVE to see when I come across this movie… A few that stand out off the top of my head are: The Judge’s Chamber scene with Phillip Seymour Hoffman, all of the Poker scenes, and the final bar scene with Newman and the grandson.
Goosebump/Tear Factor: The room gets a little dusty at several points in the movie, but then again it doesn’t take much to make my eyes water, especially in a broken father-son relationship movie.
Overall Rating: 8.5/10, Just a very well acted movie by all involved. An excellent script, it really captured the spirit of the novel. If you’ve never seen it and you’re a fan of Paul Newman (which everyone should be) it’s a must see. If you have seen it, I bet it’s been a while and you should go see it, again!
To set the record straight...
I could've been in an accident on my way to work. Is the Golden Globe news something you'd want to hear from IMDB, or your best friend?
I guess we're both lucky I wasn't hit by a speeding bicyclist or chased down by a T-Rex.
I already like your friend. I'm the type of friend who would have called you several times to tell you I'm watching the Golden Orbs.
I liked Nobody's Fool. Have you seen, the Squid & the Whale?
by the way, I've been meaning to tell you que that is the badest-assest supermanidublar watercooler drawing I have seen. Bien chingon, amigo. I fuckin' love it :)
moe green- actually if you were to die on the way to work, i think that i would want our last conversation be something with a little more substance than "Do you know who won the Golden Globe for best actor?"
emc- I have not seen Squid & the Whale but I've heard good things... plus you can't go wrong with Jeff Daniels, so I'll have to check it out... thanks on the drawing btw. I loved the Monkey on the toilet that i had before, but I didn't draw it so it never felt quite right.
hmmmm mcdonalds dollar menu...my heart hurts just thinking about it.
i read empire falls a while back, but didn't get a chance to see the movie. would you also recommend the book version of nobody's fool?
p.s. yes. beware the women who read your blog. ;)
Next time I'm on my way to work and I know I'm going to die, I'll try to call you to discuss your feelings on VooDoo economics...
Gustavo- I can actually feel my arteries clogging when I eat the Double Cheesburger
Jen- Yes I would, althogh I'm not sure if it's still in print... You should watch the Empire Falls thing when you get a chance, it always seems to be on HBO
Moe Green- anyone? anyone? anyone?
i didn't comment on the last post because i was so shocked that one of my favorite blog writers actually wrote such things...okay soy un poco dramatica but i was surprised. Anywho, i will this movie on my netflix as well.
Julissa- Oh man, Born in East LA... nice call.
sonrisa- when I read it back now I see where it came off a little, um...idk. not like me, But the point was that I learned my lesson and the karma came back at me... but I'm glad you're back for film vault tuesday.
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