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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Random Things I Thought About While...

... Basking in the glow of a Washington Redskins victory in Dallas last night!

First off, let me just say that I am a life long Redskins fan, and even though I love the tradition and history that goes along with the team, it must be said... We really, REALLY need to change the name of the team. Seriously, the "RED SKINS" with the picture of native american with a big nose and feathers in his hair on the side of the helmet?!? Come on...

I have good news on the "Hispanic Open House/Taco Hand Out" day... we took an office vote after the boss left and we're all against it. It's now up to
Brian (Duck Fook) to tell el Jefe que we're not going to do it. However, we are all in favor of an open house that won't alienate half of our client base though...

I had the filling in one of my molars fall out about 4 years ago and every time I eat bacon now I get a little piece stuck in the hole, and I'm too petrified of the dentist to go get it fixed. I don't know why I'm sharing that with everyone...

How come nobody ever throws at Barry Bonds for standing at home plate and admiring his home runs for 20 minutes?...

So my sister read my
blog entry about her... um that was awkward, but I'm glad she read it anyway...

And finally, I need cat advice. I'm hoping either
Chancla or Sonrisa Morena will be able to help since they are cat owners. Anyway, my cat Rosie (the cutest cat in the world by the way) has a problem with knocking stuff of tables/desks/nightstands. Her main target seems to be glasses and cups, but she has not hesitated in pushing salt shakers and even a plant vases onto the kitchen floor. There is nothing worse than be awaken by a crashing sound at 3am and then having to go down stair and clean up a heaping pile of salt of the floor... The strangest part about her behavior is her reaction. Typically when she does something bad she takes off running and hides for a few minutes... but when she knocks a glass of milk of the table she just stares at me. She doesn't run or hide or act afraid... she just looks at me like, "wow did you see that?!" I think she's just fascinated with her ability to move objects and make them crash onto the floor, but I don't know. Is this typical cat behavior? She's going to be 2 years old soon and still hasn't grown out of this stage. Aside from hiding salt shakers and never leaving a glass/cup unattended, is there anything I can do to make her stop?


Anonymous said...

dcn, i can't even begin to guess why Rosie does that. my cats are a tad bit sneakier, they get on the table and countertop but don't knock down a thing--they try to keep the crime scene as flawless as possible but sometimes their steps are a bit miscalculated and i'll hear the clang of a moved fork or spoon, or dishes in the dish rack rattle, or my purse gets knocked off the table and when i do i usually scream from the other room to pls get off the table NOW, and a second or so later i hear the cat land on the floor. son un poco sinverguenzas they have no qualms about coming to the room to look at me after such an encounter. btw, her nightime romps will diminish as she gets older.

Joel said...

good to know that the night time craziness will diminish, I guess we'll just keep hiding the salt shakers until then!

Joel said...

gustavo- I can't even begin to describe how that win felt for us here. People are still gloating as if we won the superbowl or something.

cindylu- yeah, I don't get it... any other player in baseball would get a fastball to the ribcage for pulling that crap, yet nobody will throw at this steriod popping ass clown?!?!

sonrisa morena said...

dcn i wish i had really good advice about your kitty...which by the way i'm sure is cute but you haven't seen kachito ;-)...but i'm a brand new cat owner myself. my friends tell me i lucked out on how well behaved kachis is. i usually ask cc for advice when it comes to kitties too and so far the things she tells seem to be working...thanks cc