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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

FITS Notes

Two things I wanted to pass along… First, as you may have heard, the favorite band of all three FITS contributors announced that they were not only going out on a reunion tour this summer, but that they were already working on material for a new album!

Of course I’m speaking about Blink-182.

They made their announcement while presenting an award at the Grammy’s and although you can debate the tastefulness of upstaging the winners of the award they’re supposed to be presenting, there is no debating the fact that this is the best news I’ve had in months.

Like I said, Moe Greene, Mike So Def, and I all have a pretty creepy Blink obsession that can in no way be confused as healthy or normal behavior for adult males. When the 3 of us go on a road trip we always make sure there is a Blink mix-CD near by and ready to go. That in and of itself wouldn't be that bad, but it goes even deeper than that… We actually each have assigned seating and our own parts!

Mike sits in the back seat and beats the hell out of the drums/headrests as Travis Barker does... Moe is the driver (even though he gets a little paniced when he has to merge onto the beltway) and plays the role of bass and part-time lead vocalist Mark Hoppus... And I sit in the passenger seat where I give piss poor directions, play an excellent air-guitar, and do my best to recreate the nasal vocals of Tom Delonge. Our best song is probably “Man Overboard” which was the single they included on their live album “The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show.”

So to say we’re a little excited about this reunion would be an understatement on par with “the State of Mississippi is not thrilled about the Barack Obama era”, or “Alex Rodriguez is having a bad week.”

The second bit of news that I wanted to pass on is that due to popular demand (okay… Chancla’s demand… and it wasn’t really even a demand so much as a suggestion) the Sleazy Confession Awards are back!

I’m still ironing out some of the details but baring any unforeseen circumstances we’ll all start confessing next Tuesday (2/17) with the nominations and award show taking place sometime the week after that.

So start thinking about what you might want to confess and if you don’t have any material… well… You’ve just been given an entire week's notice to go out and commit embarrassing, shameful acts worthy of winning an award!

For now, lets go back and relive the original Confessions, and of course, the Award Show.


Brian said...

Holly, let me out!

Unknown said...

Hahaha oh my god. This is the first time I've ever heard about your assigned seating sing along. I think I could have happily lived the rest of my life without knowing this information about my boyfriend.

Unknown said...

Moe- that's my line you prick!

Lauren- you should know that your boyfriend is one hell of an imaginary drummer! and I promise I won't tell you about the amazing background vocals he provides on "Down".

Brian said...

Joel, let's take some time to talk this over. My impression is that you're kinda out of line, hell, you're rarely sober.

The bottom line is that neither Mike or I can depend on your excuses. In the end, they're fucking useless!

Georgina Baeza said...

I wish I could see this Blink 182 car cover band. I bet it's freaking awesome.

I love sleazy confessions!!! Yay!

sonrisa morena said...

Blink 182? really?

what will be my confession? have to think about that one...