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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back in Business

Well as you can see, the new FITS blog looks a lot like the old one. For reasons beyond my control the new URL address will have to remain a dream... for now I'm just going to get back to my semi-regular schedule of pumping out 1-2 mediocre posts a week.

Without boring everyone with the details I'll just say that Chanclita Divina's husband, Mr. CD, was making a Wizard of Oz attempt to fix all of the technical issues behind the curtain last week. It was really nice of him to do and I suspect that he would have even been successful had he not been blocked by the evil, unethical, and tyrannical empire that is Blogger.

Basically, the folks at Blogger are bad people. I won't go so far as to call them pedophiles, but I will say that its probably not a good idea to trust them around your children and you damn sure can't count on them to forward your old URL address to your new one.*

In lighter news, one of the many, many people who used to bully Moe Greene back when we were in middle school was arrested for committing a series of armed robberies a couple weeks back. I meant to write about it at the time but it got put on the back burner when Blogger was in the process of touching my URL in a naughty, private place.

I'm sharing this story with all of you for two reasons. [1] Its kind of a tradition on this blog to post when one of our childhood bullies is arrested, and [2] this story comes with a mugshot, and you know how much I love a good mugshot:

You can read the entire story here if you want to, but the synopsis is that (in case you can't tell by the mugshot) life was really kicking his ass and he made some questionable decisions**

* I can neither confirm nor deny that blogger is at fault for my issues, just as I can neither confirm nor deny that employees of blogger should have an entire episode of "Law and Order: SVU" dedicated to their crimes.

** There is also a really interesting follow up piece talking about some of the difficulties that led Moe's bully to commit his armed robberies. The article is basically an interview with a friend of the accused (not Moe Greene obviously) who describes him as "not a bad guy" right before they mention his criminal history almost in passing. A record that includes:

"...operating a vehicle without restraining a child in May and second-degree assault in September... possession of marijuana and paraphernalia in 1998, hunting at night and during closed season in 2007, and several domestic violence incidents in 2007 and 2008 involving [his ex-wife], who was granted a protection order against him in October."

So yeah, other than all that stuff and the 3 armed robberies he "allegedly" committed, probably not a bad guy at all... I'm sure he'd fit right in with the good people at Blogger.


Teresa said...

welcome back!

Brian said...

For the record, he wasn't so much the bully; it was his four friends. I could've taken four of the five bullies one-on-one but stood no chance against the whole crew.

I doubt anything has changed.

Anonymous said...

that's too bad that you couldn't figure out the forwarding thingy. did you try sending blogger a nice email?

the picture and name of an elementary classmate of mine ended up in our local pedophile list. on the almost never and rare occassion when i bump into someone from grammar school they will usually mention it.

Unknown said...

teresa- it's good to be back, thanks!

moe- i should also note that in 90% of the incidents where you were targeted by or tormented by bullies the root cause of the problem was something you did... but that wasn't the case here. he/they just decided that they needed to make bus rides home from school more eventful and picked you, probably because you had a track record of being a punching bag.

cd- wow, that's creepy! i have two high school classmates that made the sex offender hall of shame but i don't think they were actually pedophiles, they were misunderstood guys with a lot of love to give...

HispanicPundit said...

Reminds me of some of the news accounts in Los Angeles. I'd be watching news about an "innocent person" that got shot and killed, then they would interview the mom. Mom would (understandably) be all hysterical, crying, and in spanish would inevitably say, "He was a good kid, respectful, caring" and other great things about how this guy was great. Asking how someone could kill an innocent person like this. Then the news station would show his picture and sure enough he would be all tatted up, with face tattoos, and clear gang markings (bald head, the clothes, everything). Hahaha. I guess we are all innocent in our mothers eyes.

Anonymous said...

omg, i totally know him!

nah, just kidding. LOL

Chi-Town HV said...

A guy I graduated HS with became a priest and was just sentenced to 5 years in prison for molesting two boys. Sick...