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Monday, December 15, 2008

Sweaty Christmas

The guy in the office next to me, "Jerry", the one who jerked off (allegedly) to Tony Toni Tone, is blasting an R&B Christmas CD right now... Babyface, Keith Sweat, and Boyz II Men are prominently involved, which is bad enough on its own, but we just heard a TLC song called "Sleigh Ride" complete with a Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes rap in the middle... Not good times... The volume is so loud that I had to walk outside to make a phone call!

The proper thing to do here would be to go to politely ask him to turn it down, but the thermostat for our office is in his room and he has a long history of turning the heat all the way up, locking his door, and leaving for the day. He's really passive aggressive like that.

Anyway, I was thinking about a way I could suggest the volume adjustment to him in a way that wouldn't offend him, when "Dan" the ex-military and walking angry white man stereotype decided it to storm into "Jerry's" office and say "if you want to have your little hip-hop Christmas in your office that's fine, but I don't want to have to hear all this 'yo' music when I'm on the phone!"

Gulp... Looks like I can look forward to a week of an oppressive heater and sweaty feet.


cindylu said...

Sooo... has R&B playing dude made it oppressively hot?

Joel said...

cindy- if it's going to happen it will be today... he's leaving at 11and we'll all still be here until 2:30ish. It's been a good 6 or 7 months since he's done it and IMO there are two ways you can look at that: [1] he's matured and moved on from pulling such a juvenile stunt, or [2] we're due.