In addition to the layout, I've added an "About" section with a link to an introduction post, as well as an archive specifically devoted to "Film Vault Tuesday" on the side column. In the future, I plan on adding an archive for "Life in the Fast (food) Lane," but since I've only written one post so far in the series, I figured that would be a bit premature.
For right now, the plan is to begin posting FVT more often (and maybe reworking it a bit), and of course, making "Life in the Fast (food) Lane," (LFFL) as close to a weekly instalment as I can.
We'll see how it all works out in the not too distant future, but for now, here is the latest installment of Film Vault Tuesday:

Credits: Matthew Broderick, Resse Witherspoon, Chris Klein, directed by Alexander Payne
Why?: More than just about any movie that comes to mind, Election, does a great job of capturing the essence of high school. We all knew a teacher like Mr. McAllister, and we all knew students like Tracy Flick, and Paul Metzler. And remarkably, the movie holds up very well.
When I first saw it, I was only a year or two removed from graduating high school. So obviously, I could relate to it. But last week I watched it with my nephew who just graduated from High School last year, and he kept saying things like, "Oh my god, our assemblies were just like that," or, "he reminds me of this history teacher I had." That's a good indication that the movie still translates.
I think the keys to this movie remaining relevant are: [a] it uses themes that are universal through time (teenage angst, lust, high school suck-ups, star quarterbacks, etc). And [b] there are no really obvious time period references... The music, the clothes, the hair styles, nothing screams out, "this was made in the early 90's."
When you watch at John Hughes movie about High School (and I don't mean this to be a criticism) you are always aware that it was made in the 80's. That's one of the best parts about re-watching a Hughes movie, but I don't think that was necessarily an intended result. When you watch "Election", you don't see anything obvious to tell you if it was 2006, 1996, or 1986.
And of course, it's really, really funny... The script was apparently adapted from a novel of the same name that I've always wanted to read, but haven't yet had the chance. Witherspoon and Broderick are both very good in their roles, and for whatever negative things you want to say about Klein's ability, you can't question his comedic timing.
It's also pretty cool to watch Ferris Bueller all grown up, and now playing the role of a burnt out teacher, struggling to handle a "problem" student.
Remote Scene Stopper: I absolutely, cannot, change the channel or turn the movie off until I have see Chris Klein give his, "why you should elect me," speech in front of the school. We all remember the nervous feeling of giving a speech in high school, and Klein nails it perfectly; He speed reads through what should have been a good speech, not pausing for punctuation, and never looking up once to make eye contact. It cracks me up every time.
I've heard that speech in high school. I've given that speech in high school.
Tear/LOL Factor: No tears, but there are several "laugh out loud" moments. In addition to the above referenced Klein speech, I find myself rewinding to laugh at the entire Broderick attempted affair debacle almost every time I watch the movie.
Overall: It's no Roman Polanski or Philip Thomas Anderson film, but then again, it's not trying to be. It's a straight forward High School comedy with star power and themes that anyone can relate to. It's a quick, it's funny, and it never disappoints. Whether you haven't seen it in 6 years or just saw it two months ago, you'll can pop in the DVD today and still enjoy it.
i never heard about this movie will look for it on netflix. any chance we can talk you into taking fvt suggestion? you know of movies we would like to see reviewed? have i asked this before? maybe you already said no....
chancla- i have been trying for some time to figure out a way to have something like a suggestion box where people could make requests for movies and/or foods they would like to see reviewed... the best thing ive been able to come up with so far is a little IM box on the side column... it's not really what i was looking for, but ive decided to put it up for now anyway, while i continue to search for something better... like i said, it's on the side column, and id be more than willing to consider any requests for movies, fast foods, or any other ideas you want to put out there.
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