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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Something Special In My Pants

Well its been 10 days since I got back from El Salvador and I'm just now starting to feel normal again. That first week was really tough. Every morning I would wake up to my alarm, lay in bed staring at the ceiling, and talk myself into getting up to start my day. Since coming back to my old job in May of 2006 I have called in sick exactly ZERO times, and yet every single day last week I came alarmingly close to breaking my streak.

So what is the healthy thing to do when you find yourself fighting off the start of a depression?

Why of course, its to go out and buy unnecessary, over priced, flashy, consumer goods!

That's right... I decided the best cure for my aching soul was to buy a 16 gb 3G iPhone:

[cute and curvy British girl not included... sadly]

Sure some might have suggested that I share my feelings with a friend, seek therapy, or gasp, talk to my wife... but those people would be wrong. Whats always worked best for me is to feed my need for instant gratification!

Technically I did kinda-sorta need a new cellphone, but considering I just bought an 80 gb iPod classic less than a year ago, it was hard --even for me-- to justify such an extravagant purchase... until my mini-depression that is.

So far I'm pretty impressed... My fear was always that because the iPhone tries to be so many different things, that it wouldn't be able to do any one thing exceptionally well. I didn't want to be stuck with a below average phone, a below average PDA, and a below average iPod, just because they could all be conveniently packaged together into one over-priced product.

But after spending about a week with the iPhone I can confirm that this is not the case. It took me a while to get comfortable with the all the quirks and nuances, but now that I've got it all figured out I couldn't be happier with my purchase. My iPod Classic hasn't been touched in days and now that I've got most of my music transferred over, I think I'll be passing it down to my wife.

The only thing left for me to do now is come up with a name... The iPod Classic was named "Pachanga" which is like a small party or get together in Spanish, and also the name of one my favorite supporting characters in Carlito's Way.

So far the only potential name I can come up with for the iPhone is Eddie Adams, which is an obscure Boogie Nights reference... In the beginning of the movie, before Mark Wahlberg has become porn superstar "Dirk Diggler", he's just Eddie Adams, a kid from Torrence, California busing tables at a club frequented by porn producer Jack Horner... Horner has a "feeling" about Eddie and tries to recruit him by following him back into the kitchen and saying:

"Well, Eddie Adams from Torrence, I have a feeling that you've got something pretty special inside those pants just dying to get out..."

Jack Horner was right of course. Eddie/Dirk really did have something "special" in those pants, and since I usually carry my iPhone in my pants pocket, and since its pretty special, I figured that name might be a good fit... You know, something special in my pants that's just dying to get out... My own little Eddie Adams.

But of course, I'm open for any name suggestions you may have.


Unknown said...

I can't tell you any of my names because I'm saving them for when MIKE GETS ME ANOTHER KITTEN. Ahem.

Joel said...

I personally think you guys should retire from the cat naming business... not because I'm agianst you owning more cats, but because you should go out on top... there is no way in hell either of you will ever come up with a better cat name than "TomHagen". Don't be the Brett Favre of cat naming.

Unknown said...

Ha. I appreciate it. But our kraut-mick friend needs a brother.

Chi-Town HV said...

How is it that my favorite DC blogger has written NOTHING about the election.. helloooooo

Anonymous said...

He must be very busy...thats the only thing I can think of....