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Monday, September 29, 2008

"It's Just Me and You"

The guy in the office next to mine has been without his live-in girlfriend for about two weeks now while she's away on business. I know this because he mentioned to me but I probablywould have figured out that "something" was up even if he hadn't told me.

He usually brings in left-overs for lunch but he's been buying out everyday... He's normally a very good dresser but his outfits have slowly regressed from his typical heavy starched exprensive suits to slightly wrinkled khakis and a polo shirt... He looks like he didn't shave all weekend... and this morning he was a very active participant in our Monday morning office football talk even though he normally "doesn't have the time to watch."

In my mental picture of what his condo must look like right now I see a sink overflowing with dishes, empty beer bottles littering the coffee table, and dirty socks and underwear lying on the couch.

For these two weeks he's been going without home cooked food, clean and pressed clothes, and someone worth shaving for. But this afternoon he made me painfully aware of another "need" he's been going without since she left town.

At around 10:30 AM, EST, he got a phone call from his girlfriend. His voice is low and deep and normally easy to ignore, but I heard him make a couple of affectionate comments about how much he's "been missing her". I think I may have even heard him call her "baby" a few times. This is a very professional guy so it caught me a bit off guard.

Next there was a long pause from his end of the conversation, and then he replied with "oh yeah?....... Mmmmmmm, I think I'd like that...... And then what would you do....?"

At that point he got up and closed his office door shut tight. A second later he turned the lock.

I was 80% sure he was about to do something "improper" with / on the phone, but the clincher came a minute later when I heard his stereo turn on. The song was "Me and You" by 'Tony Toni Tone'.

In case you've forgotten, they were a big hit back in the mid-90's when sappy R&B love songs ruled the pop charts. In addition to "Me and You" they also had success with "Feels Good" and "Lay Your Head on my Pillow".

Although I was never really a fan of their kind of music "Me and You" will always hold a special place in my heart simply because that was the song Cuba Gooding Jr. boned Nia Long to in "Boyz in the Hood". I was 12 years old when I saw that movie and well... lets just say Nia had a profound effect on my transition to becoming a teenager. I basically hit puberty while watching that scene.

Anyway... as troubled as I was by what my office mate was probably doing on the phone in his locked office I found myself more troubled by his choice of music... what the hell is he doing still listening to 'Tony Toni Tone'? Seriously, that song has been out of the picture for like 17 years!

My question is, do you think he had the 'Tony Toni Tone' CD already set aside special because he knew that phone call was coming? or does he just always have that 'Tony Toni Tone' CD near by? I'm not sure which answer is worse but the possesion of the 'Tony Toni Tone' CD is (n my mind) just as disturbing as the fact that he was, in all likelihood, getting busy by himself at work.

My questions for all of you FITS readers out there are:

1] have you ever 'gotten busy' at work?

2] have you ever 'gotten busy' by yourself at work?

3] what's the weirdest song you've ever 'gotten busy' to?

4] do you have any 'gettin busy' music? and if so what is it?

[ you know it's time to update your CD collection if these guys find their way onto your 'love makin' rotation! ]


sonrisa morena said...

EEEEUUUUWWWW!!! Thats just gross!!! okay not really. to answer your questions...Yes, No, none that i can remember, and i don't have any song but i have "made it" with luis miguel's "no se tu" once and it was very romantic (and cheesy) if you ask me.

Joel said...

sonrisa- luis miguel is very cheesy but in this case the ends justified the means.

Brian said...

1. No.
2. Everyday.
3. "Rock and Roll Anthem, Part Two" - Gary Glitter
4. "Song #7" - Blur

Unknown said...

1. Yes
2. No
3. No idea
4. I'm deaf. Music would have to be BLASTING for me to hear it over other...sounds.

Mike said...

1. Yes.
2. Yes, actually. (I'm not saying it was a great idea, but I was the only one in the building for 12 hours at a time, if that helps you get over it).
3-4. Nothing.

Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike said...

(Just reposting the above so I can check the email box)

Joel- where are your answers?

Joel said...

1. I've had sex at the office several times... and I've had sex while on the clock several times, but I've never been able to combine the two. at the office, during bussiness hours, while on the clock... maybe one day.

2. once, and under simlilar circumstances to mike. alone in the building for a long period of time. nothing to do but look at the internet... and since I'm alone maybe I'll go to a site that I wouldn't typically go to if other people were here... and you get the point.

3. I once got a bj from my girlfriend in HS while I was listening to Busta Rhymes on my discman... "Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check"... I think the fact that I had headphones on during the experience made it more intimate than had that song just been playing on the stereo. Let me say, it's not easy to um, concentrate, on something like that with Busta Rhymes yelling in your ear, but I managed to get the job done.

4. no

Unknown said...

Ha. This would be a lot more entertaining if people were elaborating on their yes/no's.

sonrisa morena said...

i like the way Lauren thinks!!! i'll let you start, since you mentioned it.

cindylu said...

Maybe the Tony Toni Tone thing is a California thing. They don't seem so irrelevant or corny here. Raphael Saadiq, one of the TTT guys just came out with a new album. I really love it.

1. Yes. In my old office. The place wasn't technically "work," but I was getting a stipend. When we were done, I walked out to find a bunch of freshman attending orientation sitting in a circle in the hallway. Hope they didn't hear anything.
2. No.
3. He wasn't playing it, but "Let's Get it On" was playing upstairs. I cracked up. It was kinda cheesy.
4. Not really. I generally keep the music off. But I have songs that are pure sex in my mind.