...Got a request for a movie or fast food item you'd like to have reviewd? Or maybe just something to say? Drop a note in the chatbox on the side column...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is My Life

If someone would have told me when I was 16 that Moe Greene and I would be sending each other these kind of emails as adults, I would have been a little disheartened:

From: Moe Greene
To: Joel
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:56:37 -0400
Subject: ?

Have you had the chili cheeseburger from Checkers?


From: Joel
To: Moe Greene
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: ?

no but ive had the chili cheese fries and they were right on...


From: Moe Greene
To: Joel
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 11:58 AM
Subject: RE: ?

I had the burger a couple of weeks ago and meant to call you.

Try it.


Had you told me that I'd actually be excited by such emails, I probably would have cried myself to sleep at night.

As it is, I'm planning on swinging by Checkers on my way home.


Unknown said...

Is Checkers the one with drive-throughs on both sides, as well as walk-up windows? They're burgers are pretty awesome, especially compared to other fast food. I still give the win to Five Guys though.

Joel said...

that is checkers... and while I agree Five Guys does have a slightly better burger, I don't know that I could describe them as fast food since there is no drive-through and you end up waiting for your food 15-20 minutes if you show up anytime between the hours of 11-2.

Brian said...

I'd love to revisit the classic "What's the definition of a fast food place?" debate. I'm ready whenever you are.

Mike said...

I think anything Brian likes is considered fast food.

Joel-ism sighting:

"They're burgers are pretty awesome"

Joel said...

let me say for the record that while that may technically qualify as a Joelism, I don't usually screw up the "there's".

Unknown said...

DAMN! That's a bad one!

I would personally put anything that you order at a counter (as opposed to seated at a table to a waitress) as fast food. And I distinguish Chipotle and Panera from McDonalds and Burger King by calling them "fast casual." I'm cool.

Mike said...

The difference is that Brian doesn't like Chipotle or Panera. My definition is flawless.

E Rich said...

Lauren- Don't worry about your grammar slip-ups, your still awesome.

Fast food can be defined as any food that rips through your digestive system as quickly as it was served. Or anything that Brian eats.

And the fries at Checkers are delicious. I could eat them by the bucket.

Brian said...

Eric - No, your awesome.

Unknown said...

I are awesome.

Mike said...

no your, all awesome. I mean, it.

Joel said...

trust know one

Unknown said...

I think Eric's definition is pretty amazing. For the most part, there are no exceptions. The only one I can think of is extremely cheese-y fastfood options, which choose to *stay* in my system for days and weeks at a time. That's just as scary.

Joel said...

Eric- Moe Greene and I have a theory that Checkers has done something different with/to their fries over that past year or so... they seem to have a peculiar aftertaste that neither of us particularly care for. (which is why I've been getting chili slathered on top of them). Have you noticed anything like that?

Mike said...

No. But I did just notice that you two might be eating too much Checkers.

E Rich said...

I haven't had Checkers in quite some time, that is disappointing news though. However, until I experience the change for myself, their still my favorite fries.

Anonymous said...

i'm jealous. checkers closed down their stores in chicago some time back. the fries and shakes were the best.

Unknown said...

There awesome.

Brian said...

I'm quiet grateful that Checkers is still in MD (minus the gut busting frys). I still wish their was a Sonic near buy.