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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I took some time off from my blog last week… First I went out of town and then I got lazy. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to write about, I just couldn’t get myself motivated to do it.

But I’m back now and ready to get back to random ramblings and poop stories. Please try to contain your enthusiasm, and be prepared to hear me bitch about the Pope tomorrow… I don’t really have anything against him per se, but he’s going to be giving mass a couple blocks from my work tomorrow at the new Nationals Park. Basically, it's going to screw up everything…

The bridge that half the city uses everyday to get to work is going to be closed from like 2 am until the end of time. It should be fun!

Moe Greene summed it up best in his morning email:

“The Pope has ruined my homepage. I'm gonna write a nasty letter to SOMEONE.”


Brian said...

The following site used to be updated every 30-45 minutes. Ever since the Pope landed, they quit.

Dear Pope,

I hope you had the time of your life. Good riddance.


Moe Greene


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I'm amazed at how many people care about the pope.