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Friday, March 14, 2008

Subway Surprise

So this morning a guy got on the train and sat down across from me and he was listening to a Walkman! A real, honest to goodness portable tape player, with big foam headphones...

Two days ago I got onto a very crowded the train and noticed that even though there were dozens of passengers standing, there were two open seats in the back. I eagerly made my way towards the back of the train ready to take one of the seats, as I approached I noticed that the three or four people standing near the seat were giving me a funny look. I didn't think much of it as I passed them on the way to the empty seats.

Luckily, before I could sit down I saw why the seats were empty.... they were covered in newspaper, and sitting on top of the paper was a big... stinky... turd...

That's right, at some point during the day someone had taken a crap on the Red Line Train, and worse yet, I almost sat in it!

I guess my point is, I think I was more surprised by the Walkman than the shit... I mean was the shit unpleasant? Sure... but was it really that surprising? I guess not... But a circa 1990 Walkman? I haven't seen one of those being used in like a decade!


Unknown said...

Wow. And I thought I was so cool and fuck-the-establishment by carting around my CD player from the 7th grade! I'm seriously impressed by Walkman Guy.

I remember rocking out to Ace of Base, Queen, and Mariah Carey on my tape player. I also remember the feeling of total genius when I figured out that I could put a piece of scotch tape over that little notch in the tape and that would allow you to record over your Mom's Mary Chapin Carpenter cassettes with recordings of DC 101's Top Ten (it had a cooler name that escapes me at the moment) and Love Line with Adam Corolla and Dr Drew! Damn I miss those days.

Brian said...

My first two cassette tapes were Paula Abdul and Elton John. I alphabatized my baseball cards several times over while listening to Paula. This should helps clear things up about present Moe...

sonrisa morena said...

i don't like technology but not even i have a walkman anymore!!!! what has this world come to?

Anonymous said...

Having a dump on the train, what a hero, probably more hygenic than some of the Public Toilets.

Obesio said...

One of the great moments in every urban dweller's life is when the train comes and it is crowded and there is one car that is empty. And you know that you have truly arrived when you are not even tempted to grab a seat in the empty car because you know that there must be a reason why this car is empty--whether it is bum shit or puke or just a stinky mother f-er. But you stand back and watch the idiots (who probably grew up in the Midwest or something) head for the empty car, which they then depart, gagging.

Santiago said...

Wow. I would have liked to have seen one of those. Do you guys rememeber the yellow walkmans? They were the envy of all people on the block. How time have changed. lol.

cindylu said...

There's this guy who walks around campus carrying a small boom box. It's a bit weird. He jams to it like your average person would jam to a song on their iPod/mp3 player.