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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Protesting the Protesters

As someone who's lived in the Washington, DC area my entire life, I've grown accustomed to protesters... Being the capitol of this nation decisions are made here that effect not only this country, but the entire world. I understand this... People come here to make the policy makers "hear their voice". They come to be a part of the "democratic process". I get it. I accept it.

On most days, a quick stroll around Capitol Hill will reveal some sort of little group protesting something.

I don't normally pay much attention to them... No matter what their issue is, even if it's an issue I agree with or care about, I just walk right past them.

Partly because my years here have made me desensitized, but the main reason I ignore them is that they just don't matter... That's right... Nobody here cares about them... They won't be able to change anyone's vote, get something amended, or change a law. They won't be able to make a difference.

If I sound a little jaded, well it's because I am. I've had front row seats for 28 years now to watch politicians from both parties disregard democracy, popular opinion, and the best interests of their constituents time and time again. So you'll have to excuse me if I'm not quite ready to believe a rally or a protest is really going to change the mind of an elected official or judge.

Sure, there have been mass protests that have swayed public opinion or changed the course of the nation, but that's the exception to the rule. A real rarity.

We only get one of those rallies every 15 or 20 years... The rallies or protests we usually get go something like this: 8 idiots from Iowa who drove here in a rental van and thought they could get the Second Amendment overturned because they made bright orange signs and yelled some incoherent slogans for a couple hours on a Tuesday afternoon. It's hard to take that seriously, no matter what their agenda is.

Is it their right to do that? Sure... Have I come to expect their presence? Of course...Do they bother me? Not really... But am I going to pay attention? Fuck no!

Protesters could stand outside the Supreme Court holding picket signs that called for my boss to give me a raise, and I wouldn't even slow down my walk long enough to take a second look.

My policy is basically this: if you want to protest, come on down! Bring all the signs you want. Put on a funny mask if you think it will help, and chant all day if you feel like you're up to it... But don't block the sidewalk, don't leave any trash, don't damage any property, and for god's sake- don't block traffic... Seriously, when you start blocking traffic all you do is fuck up the day of honest hard working citizens.

You make some secretary late to pick up her kids from daycare. You cause some poor security guard to get written up because he clocked in 15 minutes late... Not cool.

You want to help win me over to whatever your cause is? How about you start by getting your vegan ass up of the sidewalk before I end up getting fired for being late for work!


sonrisa morena said...

as i was reading this i was picturing you with a sign that read "stop protesters!!"...hmm? ironic isn't it..hehehehe.

Anywho, i agree with you when you say that going to DC to protest about...what ever it is that people protest about now a days...really doesn't do anything!!! nothing wrong with being realistic. if you want to call that jaded well then guess i too am jaded!!

HispanicPundit said...

Seriously, when you start blocking traffic all you do is fuck up the day of honest hard working citizens.

Here is your fundamental mistake: you assume that these protesters really care about the honest hard working citizen, IMHO, they usually don't.

Instead, its about feeling important, and has more to do with how it makes them feel than about actual results.

Have you read The True Believer from Eric Hoffer? It goes into detail on just this...

Anonymous said...

I agree with your point and if its anythimg like over here the majority of times it'll be the same people protesting about different issues, we call them "rent a mob" over here.

I think the only day they don't protest about something is when the have to sign on to get their social security cheque for not working.