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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Stink Soooo Good!

This morning a guy from work that I don't really know very well came into my office to drop off some papers.

We did the obligatory "good morning / how was your long weekend?" talk, and then he handed me the papers. As far as I was concerned the talk was over, but then, just as he was about to leave my office he asked "what kind of cologne are you wearing?"

Guys aren't supposed to ask other guys questions like that unless they've been close friends for at least a decade, and even then it's a little creepy.

"Ummm... Polo..." I responded.

And as if that wasn't awkward enough he followed that inappropriate question up with, "you smell really nice..." as he nervously shuffled out the door and down the hallway. It was awful.

20 minutes later we ran into each other at the coffee maker... At first it was dead silent, until we began talking football without making eye contact... As far as I'm concerned it will take at least 2 to 3 weeks of sports and car talk before we'll ever be able to make eye contact again.


Santiago said...

Oh that was good. Thanks for the laugh. Maybe he is gay. See. I would start looking for a new job if that was me.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, maybe he was just being nice? i mean it could have been worse, what if he walked in when you had let out a silent but deadly one?

Chi-Town HV said...

polo? Really? Dude, it's 2007!

Love your blog, hate your cologne.

cindylu said...

I once complimented a guy on his cologned. My sister then hugged him and complimented him too.

I asked, "what are you wearing? You smell like car freshener."

My sister though he smelled like Febreze.

He thought for a second and then told us the name of his cologne. It wasn't Febreze or car freshener. I'm sure it cost much more.

Is that weirder than your story?

jennifer said...

he must have *really* liked your cologne to put his masculinity into question by asking you! he probably thought it would help him with the ladies. ;)

HispanicPundit said...

I vote homo. Let us know if he comments on your eyes or compliments your clothing style. lol

Joel said...

santiago- i can't make up my mind... i grew up with a gay uncle living in the house and so i have a decent gaydar, but i just cant decide on this dude.

chanclita- i think that would have actually been preferable

hector- ouch... but actually, my cologne problem is even worse than you thought. for YEARS- im talking like over a decade, ive only used CK1, which had it's peak back in like 1995, but then someone got me Polo for xmas and so I've been dabbling in that for a couple weeks... so Polo might actually be the most modern choice I've got in my bathroom!

cindy- i think it is... you liked his cologne but you thought it might be car freshener?

let all the guys who read this know- if you're trying to make a move on Cindylu make sure to rub your shirt down with a car freshener, she loves it!

jenn- well it backfired if he's going to go for any of the ladies in our office b/c they all think he's gay now.

hp- if he does that i'm taking out a restraining order