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Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Holidays

I’m a pretty grumpy guy in general but the Holiday Season really seems to put me in a hostile mood. I’ve decided I hate just about all of my co-workers this morning. They’re the type of people who stop whatever they’re doing to yell “bless you!” from the other side of the office if you sneeze… If you sneeze again, they’ll yell it again… If you get a scratchy throat and find yourself coughing they’ll poke their ugly heads into your office and ask if you’re okay.

They show each other pictures of their bratty little kids. And on Monday mornings they can’t wait to ask each other about how their respective weekends went. Of course they don’t actually listen to each other’s response; they just wait for their turn to talk.

If one more of those fake smiling assholes asks me how my Thanksgiving was I’m afraid I might snatch the Blackberry off their belt and beat them to death with it… Seriously, I don’t want to hear about how much stuffing you ate or your story about Black Friday Mall Shopping. I don’t give a damn if you took your kids to see some stupid cartoon movie… I don't like you... Fuck off... And I really mean that.


Santiago said...

Thanks for that refreshing insight. I too hate some of my coworkers today. I hate my job. I think. I know this holiday spirit crap is really pissing me off.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

At the restaurant, at beginning of the shift while we're standing around waiting for customers, my co-workers will stand in a group and talk about how much they drank last night, etc. I tend to just stand and stare into space all by myself in another corner of the dining room. I don't care if I look anti-social or misanthropic. I remember - from years ago - caring about people liking me and being popular and wanting to fit in, but gettting old has been great for freeing me from that concern. Screw'em.

Anonymous said...

lol. . ."The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear."


i'm going to start singing jingle bells. It was probably the long weekend, no one wants to get back into the groove of things after the turkey comas.