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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Rosie Update

Things got much worse before they got better... First she refused to take the medicine the vet gave us. (Ever try to force an angry cat to open her mouth while you squirt a bitter flavored medicine on her tongue? It's not easy, I assure you.)

Then she went 5 days without eating and struggled to even walk. She lost 2 pounds and when you consider that she only weighed 7 pounds to begin with, that's a big deal.

When I left for work last Monday I was convinced that I would come home and find her dead... Instead I came home and found that she had finally turned the corner and showed some signs of life... She finally ate some food and began to walk around a bit.

It took the rest of the week, but she finally got better and is now almost completly recovered... Although she's still pretty pissed off about the whole medicine ordeal. At one point we got so desperate that I wrapped her up in two towels and held her tightly against my chest as my sister and wife tried to get her to take the medicine from the eye dropper... Like a scene from the Exorcist, Rosie growled, hissed, and finally spit the medince back out onto my sister's shirt. I can neither confirm nor deny the rumors that her head spun around 360 degrees or that she cursed at me in Latin...

Anyway, Rosie is still pissed about that whole incident and hasn't been very socialable... but she's alive and for that I'm thankful.

On an unrelated note... I was doing some internet research on Islam and came across some website promising a free copy of the Koran translated into English. Since it was free, and because this happened right when Rosie was starting to show signs of life, I signed up... They sent me a messege saying the book would arrive in 2-3 days... It's been over a week now, and still no Koran. Do you think Allah ripped me off? Or worse yet, do you think I'm now on some CIA watch list? Any minute now I'm expecting soldiers to kick open the door to my office like SS soldiers and drag me away... If they torure me I hope I won't slip up and tell them that Rosie the Cat's new muslim name is Sa'diyah al Basinah... which is a very rough translation of The Fourtunate Kitten in arabic.


jennifer said...

not that working for the government and ordering a koran should be mutually exclusive, but umm... oh well. maybe they'll just promote you.

Anonymous said...


Vanessa said...

Last time we took Filomena to the vet, she was so traumatized and/or pissed, she hid under the bed for several hours. I'm so glad Rosie perked up!

Santiago said...

i am glad to hear Rosie is feeling better.

Mick & Cathy said...

I'm pleased about Rosie.

Do they still have the death penalty in DC ?

Cincysundevil said...

Don't worry, I know I'm on the Homeland Security's watch list. I bought "The Motorcycle Diaries" with a credit card ... I'm pretty sure that transaction lit up their alert boards.

Glad the cat is doing better.

Anonymous said...

happy to hear rosie's better. so did you ever get your koran?

sonrisa morena said...

i'm so glad that rosie is doing much better. i was really sad as i reading the post before. she sounds like a sweetheart!!! of course kachito is waaay more of a sweet heart..heheheheh