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Monday, August 14, 2006

Payaso Gordo

Sunday afternoon my wife woke up in bad mood... for no apparent reason.

She does that sometimes, and for whatever reason it's usually on a Sunday.

I on the other hand woke up in a great mood... also for no apparent reason.

As she sat in bed watching TV I decided to try and make her laugh, or at least give me a smile... I tried making dumb faces, telling dumb jokes, and just generally acting like an ass in the name of getting some kind of reaction out of her... Mainly I think I was just really annoying her. But I don't quit that easy.

I decided to break out my secret weapon... An impromptu strip tease... Nobody can resist laughing at a fat guy doing a strip tease, right? When I finally got down to my boxers (still no reaction) I jumped up on the bed and did my best imitation of the "River Dance"...

That finally got a reaction... She threw a pillow at my head and screamed, "Eres un payaso gordo!"

Translation: "You're a fat clown."

Normally something like that would bother me, but seeing as I was jumping up and down on the bed in boxers, I had no choice but to agree with her assessment.

And then I saw it... on the corner of her lips... a grin beginning to form... I increased the velocity of my jumping- "Payaso gordo, payaso gordo, payaso gordo!" I mockingly yelled.

And with that she finally broke into laughter... Mission accomplished.

I may be a fat clown, but I got her bad mood to go away. It was a good Sunday.


Mick & Cathy said...

Remind me never to room share with you.

Brian said...

Where was this charade on the beach trip???

sonrisa morena said...

you are the sweetest payaso gordo ever!!!

Anonymous said...

awwww. girls wake up in bad moods just because sometimes. it could be something from yesterday that's still nagging us.

Santiago said...

good for you...it is always nice to make someone laugh. i think it is one of my specialities. although, i may have to try the strip tease. permission to borrow your secret weapon.

jennifer said...

i have to say, it's always great to be with someone who can make you laugh. very sweet of you. :)

DeCoMpOsEd said...

dude, i have to do the same for my wife... haha.. so i know waht you went through... its great getting a reaction like that...

Vanessa said...

What a good husband!

G's had his own version of payaso gordo. It usually involves some geeky dance moves and a funny voice. Works everytime.